EA Civil War campaign Mission 1 : Chrysalis Part 1 ------------------------------ Briefing: --------- Command Briefing : ( hold by Col. Goran Wiezbowski ) Congratulations on your promotion! So it's Lt.Cmdr Dan Hale now ! General Snyder has spoken very highly of you. You did a great job on the HERMES in defeating the Raiders at Altair. Welcome back in the presidential guard ! Your old squad has arranged a party for you. They are just the way they were when you left. Lori is still working on her carreer, Pierre is still collecting baseball cards and Jimmy, well.. Jimmy is still Jimmy. I am afraid there's no way to fix that. Let me give you a brief introduction. The president is on his way to transfer point Io , an Orion class space space station orbiting one of Iupiter's moons where he will hold his new year speech. And we are at his side. Prior to jumping at Io, you and your wing will fly a long range patrol. Again an easy job, and I am sure after 5 minutes in your cockpit you'll feel as if you had never been away. I'll see you there, Dan. Have fun ! (b1.1) Mission Briefing -none - MISSION : ( In HYPERSPACE ) --------- Setting : - Alpha squad : 4 starfuries ( you, Geezer(INV) , Nemesis(INV) , Raptor(INV) ) - Beta squad : 4 starfuries - EarthForce 1 -- Ingame subtitles : -- -- The BABYLON PROJECT campaign team presents : -- -- The Earth Alliance Civil War -- -- *Name* as the player, Lt.Cmdr Dan Hale -- -- *Name* as Lt. Jimmy "Geezer" Brightman -- -- *Name* as Lt.Cmdr Derek "Shadow" Jones -- -- *Name* as Lt. Rick "Goblin" Perryman -- -- *Name* as Lt. John "Balrok" Davis -- -- *Name* as Lt. Frank "Spawn" Boone -- -- *Name* as General Hague -- -- *Name* as Major Ed Ryan -- -- *Name* as Lt.Cmdr Bill Trainor -- -- *Name* as General Ackermann -- -- *Name* as Cpt. John Sheridan -- -- *Name* as Cmdr. Susan Ivanova -- -- *Name* as Lt. David Corwin -- -- *Name* as Captain Edward MacDougan -- -- The mission takes place in Hyperspace and is one big ingame cutscene. -- Scene 1 : Earthforce 1 flyby. Waltz of the flowers. EarthForce-1: This is Earthforce 1 approaching transfer point Io. Everything is fine so far. No radar echos, no problems at all. Alpha wing, begin the long range patrol. Have fun. (1.1) HALE : Roger EarthForce 1, we are on our way ! Jimmy, just how many data crystals so you have ? What's this music ? (1.2) Geezer: I have MANY. And that's Chaikovsky's waltz of the flowers. Nice, huh? Well, what else could I do ? Hunt down space debris or shoot EVIL asteroids ? (1.3) Raptor: Couldn't be any more boring out here, could it, Jimmy ? (1.4) Geezer: Well, how can I say it ? Nope. To be honest, I don't remember what drove me to sign on with the presidential escort. At least When Danny volunteered to join the Altair campaign, I wished I had gone with him. He had joy, he had fun, he had seasons in the sun, and it earned him a promotion as well. For us, on the other side, it was just pure boredom here. The presidential escort is just as funny as as sorting my socks in the cupboard. (1.5) Raptor: Danny, you should have taken Geezer with you. We have heard of that rogue telepath you killed. Eris. Its pretty unfortunate Geezer wasn't there, any mindwipe she could have done to him would have been a major improvement. (1.6) HALE: Ah.. don't remind me of the bitch. Flying that mission scared the hell out of me. That mindwiping, you couldn't see it coming, you couldn't dodge it, and you couldn't recover from it. I hope I never run into someone of her kind again. (1.7) -- Scene 2 Alpha wing on patrol flybys..... Nemesis: And Raptor, if I remember correctly you still owe me 30 credits from last week's poker game. (1.8) Raptor: Yes, sorry Lori! I'll pay you when we are back home. (1.9) HALE: So, you are still playing poker? Excellent, I missed you all at Altair. I hoped you wouldn't have abandoned that habit when I returned. (1.10) Nemesis : No, of course not ! The absence of your pokerface saved us all a lot of money, and we wondered why we haven't kicked you out earlier. (1.11) Raptor: After you were gone Lori here stripped us off our income on a regular basis. (1.12) Nemesis: *laughs*. Well, next week I can't play with you, boys. I'll depart for the thunderbolt project. They took me as test piliot, so no poker games till february. (1.13) Geezer: I still wonder why they accepted you. It's not that women and starfuries don't mix, it's just that you wasted 2 furies in the last 8 months alone. Danny, she didn't tell you that yet, did she ? (1.14) Nemesis: *sarcastic* Oh thanks, Jimmy. Don't listen to Geezer, Danny ! That was not my fault. I am a little rough on the stick, but that's all. There are female EA top ace pilots, becoming one has a price tag attached to it. However, I can't wait to fly this thing! (1.15) HALE : Lori, just relax. The truth is, Jimmy has a problem with female aces. You know, before we came to presidential escort, we were on the PERSEPHONE. It was our first assignment after the academy. Right before we embarked, we met some of the crew at a party on the Midrange military base. Geezer spottet a beautiful woman and made a move. (1.16) Geezer : Hey ! Shut up, Danny ! (1.17) Lori : And she rejected him, right ? (1.18) HALE : Oh, Lori, he didn't tell you that yet, did he ? So... yes, but she was not very nice. She was treating him like a child when she did. Of course, Jimmy was pissed, so he told her straightforward what he thought of her. (1.19) Lori : And she was an ace ? (1.20) Geezer : *urgend* DAN !!! (1.21) HALE : Not exactly, she turned out to be our CAG. (1.22) -- Raptor : laughs (1.23) -- Nemesis : laughs (1.24) -- HALE : laughs (1.25) -- music change to "schöner götterfunke" close flybies..... -- later -- When patrol is complete , music waltz of flowers again. HALE: We are clear. Earthforce 1, we have finished our patrol and have nothing to report. No radar echos, area is secured.(1.26) Earthforce 1: Roger Alpha Wing. Unlike Lt.Brightman the president doesn't appreciate superheated plasma bolts flying past his window, and I don't either. (1.27) Geezer: Perhaps I should give it a try with policy myself. Easy money. And you always have some troops around. (1.28) Nemesis: (laughs) Jimmy, you would just end like J.F.K. (1.29) Geezer: Who is JFK ? That Mars liberation party's spokesman that suffered a heart attack ? While busy with a hooker ? (1.30) Nemesis: hmm. (laughs) Forget it. And NO!.... that was Jake Faulkney.. hehehe! (1.31) -- again music, more flybys. EF1 : Preparing to jump, Lori, Pierre, you are coming with us. Hale and Brightman will finish the patrol. (1.32) Pierre : Roger that Earthforce 1. Jimmy, Dan, see you on the other side ! (1.33) -- EF1 jumps out, music to Fall of night suspense Geezer: One last thing. Who the hell was JFK ? (1.34) HALE: John Fitzgerald Kennedy was an american president, he got assassinated. I don't know much about him, except the fact they put a bullet through his head. (1.35) Geezer: Yes, that's not the kind of political carrer I have in mind for myself. I.... wait a minute. What's the problem with gold channel ? Earthforce 1 , do you copy ? (1.36) Geezer: Earthforce 1, do you copy ? Communications seem to be down. Strange. (1.37) -- a little later : Geezer: No, I dont see the problem , my comm systems are ok. Well, let's head for the jumppoint. I wanna get out of this red shit. (1.38) HALE : Setting course. Hey Jimmy, do you still have the hots for Lori ? (1.39) Geezer : Yes I have. I thought you would never ask. (1.40) HALE : I just don't get it, you still didn't tell her yet ? I was hoping you would have sorted this out when I came back. I guess I have to watch your misery once again. You should have learned by now that just acting weird doesn't buy you anything. (1.41) Geezer : Well, by the way, thanks for telling her the PERSEPHONE story. (1.42) HALE : I am sorry, but if anyone's making a fool out of you, it's the guy you see in the mirror. You are a top-notch pilot and a good friend, but when it comes to women you are such an idiot. You ARE straight- forward when you don't like someone. Why not when you DO like someone ?(1.43) Geezer : I don't know. (1.44) HALE : You are a romantic. I know you have a song for every mood you are in, and I bet there is one you hear when you are alone and thinking of her. I hope the day comes you realize you have to let people KNOW what you are thinking. Well... sorry for bugging you all over.(1.45) Geezer : It's alright, pal. I am glad you are back. We are all glad. We heard of some of the missions you've flown, and from time to time we thought we wouldn't see you again. Did you know that at some point the whole squad was about to request transfer to the HERMES ? (1.46) HALE : You are kidding me ! Really ? I am touched! (1.47) Geezer : Well, it wasn't possible, so we decided to keep your old position here open for you. (1.48) HALE : Jimmy, it's good to be back. (1.49) Geezer : You are welcome. Well... let's jump. (1.50) -- Mission ends when you see them both jumping out. Debriefing : ------------ - none