EA Civil War campaign Mission 3: Crysalis Part 3 ( in hyperspace ) ---------------------------------------- Briefing : ---------- Command Briefing : -none- Mission Briefing : -none Mission ---------- Setting : - Alpha squad ( you, Nemesis (INV,scripted death), Raptor (INV), Geezer (INV) ) - Psi Corps transport(s) (STB) - BlackOmega Starfuries (STB) - Omega Destroyer EAS Alexander -- You and your wingmen have entered hyperspace and heading for the rendezvous point with -- the Olympus corvette. HALE: Alright, it shouldn't be too far now. We are almost there. (3.1) -- later Raptor: Hey people. What do you think ? Do you think Jimmy is right ? (3.2) Geezer: Do you wanna see my fligt recorder ? Especially the entries from my communication system ? "Unable to connect to EF gold channel due to an unknown interference." (3.3) Nemesis: You have THAT on your flight recorder ? (3.4) Raptor: If that is true you should show it to the authorities when we are back at Io. I still can't believe it. (3.5) Geezer: Of course I will ! But it's all in vain. The president is dead. We failed to protect him and nothing will bring him back. (3.6) Raptor: Well, let's find the corvette. I think I have a radar echo. (3.7) -- these are still IFF friendly Nemesis: Oh thank god . We found the Pasteur. Olympus Corvette Pasteur, do you copy , we are ready to provide escort. (3.8) Nemesis: Heh ! They are not alone ! They have an escort ! Wait sec, that's not the Olympus corvette we are looking for, what the hell is going on? (3.9) -- There has never been a pasteur. This is a squadron of blackomega starfuries. -- They now turn hostile. -- They serve as backup team and were alarmed by Thompson. -- NOTE : One transport can carry 4 starfuries. -- If we need more Blackomegas for balancing we also need a second transport. -- The BO's start their attack. We have to balance the mission -- So , the key is to have a suitable number of BlackOmega starfuries as enemies so they -- make up a challenging fight. Well, Geezer and Raptor are invulnerable. Raptor: They are firing ! They are attacking ! Evasive action ! (3.10) Nemesis: AARRRGGGH !!!! (3.11) -- Lori's ship explodes. Geezer: Lori ! Noooooo ! (3.12) Raptor: They are jamming our comm-signal ! They ... (3.13) -- communication breaks off , from now on no CommEvents until the Blackomega transport(s) -- get destroyed. This should happen after the battle with the starfuries , the transport(s) -- is(are) nothing but sitting duck(s) . The fight itself should be hard , so , mission -- designers, lets see how many BlackOmegas we need to make it so. -- After the last enemy ship is destroyed: -- From now on all voiceacting with extremely exited voices HALE: Jimmy, Pierre, are you OK ? (3.14) Raptor: Still alive, but my ship's damaged ! And I still can't believe what's going on ! (3.15) Geezer: Do you believe me now ? This was an attempt so get rid of some eye-witnesses ! Damn, I shouldn't have talked about my flight recorder over stellarcom, that's all my fault ! (3.16) Raptor: Oh no ! They really got me ! I have hull fractures ! (3.17) Geezer: Talk to me, buddy, what's your situation ? (3.18) Raptor: Hell, I am loosing oxygen ! My life support's going down !(3.19) Geezer: *breath* ok ,ok ,ok , what do we do now ? I dont think we can fly back, they will surely intercept us before we reach Io jumpgate and kill us on sight. And the next one is 4 hours from here ! (3.20) Raptor: I don't have 4 hours, I don't even have 4 minutes ! My reserves are depleting fast ! (3.21) Geezer: Then we have no choice ! We must try to reach IO base ! No matter what they throw against us, we just have to..... (3.22) Raptor: *interrupting him, breathing heavily* No ! You must try to escape on your own, I don't have even time for this ! Get your asses outa here ! (3.23) HALE : Pierre, you have to try ! We are not just leaving you, your instruments may be wrong! Wait, I'll scan your fighter ! (3.24) -- new objective : scan raptors fighter. Raptor: (barely noticable, breathing heavily) You two are out of your damned minds ! Forget it Danny... No I ... I.... I cant breath ! *coughing* (3.25) Geezer: Pierre ! Pierre !!!!.... *extremely angry, surpressing it* DAMN IT ! ..... god...... Nooooooo !!! (3.26) -- Raptors starfury sits dead in space, he is dead. Geezer holds position nearby. -- nothing for 1 minute (STB) HALE: Pierre ! set your autopilot to... Pierre ! (3.27) -- after you scanned raptors fighter : Geezer: He is dead. (3.28) Geezer: Danny, we have no choice. We have to go. Let's leave. Loggin in waypoint 2. E.T.A. 4 hours. You can be sure, when this is all over, someone will pay dearly ! (3.29) -- Jimmy forms up on your wing, waypoint 2 appears. -- after another minute (STB) Geezer: Oh great... ! I fear I have been a little bit too hard on the stick, too! I don't think I have enough fuel to reach the jumpgate. Shit ! (3.30) HALE: Perhaps if we share my reserves we ....... let me calculate..... then we both have too few. Damn it! (3.31) -- Brightman stops his ship. Geezer: Dan, you have to fly alone. I... I fear I cannot come with you. Listen, I know you don't want to leave me behind , but If I have to die I don't want to take you with me. And I don't want that no one will ever know what happened here. (3.32) HALE : You must be joking. I have lost enough friends today, and I won't loose you too! (3.33) Geezer : And what do you suggest ? Stay with me until your oxygen is depleted as well? I thought you were smarter than that! Save your own ass, pal ! I think I.... Wait ! What's that ? I have an Omega Destroyer on my screen ! (3.34) -- Then suddenly the EAS Alexander jumps in . Bill Trainor , the Alexander's -- Comm Officer , opens hailing frequencies. Trainor: This is the Earth Alliance Destroyer Alexander. We were picking up energy readings in this sector. Earthforce starfuries, what's your status ? (3.35) Geezer: Hell... Dan! That's General Hague's ship ! If we can't trust him we can trust no one. This is our only chance.... (3.36) HALE: What makes you think they won't pulverize us in a few seconds ? (3.37) Geezer: I know the general! Well, not personally, but my first assignment after the academy was under his command. He's not the kind of officer who would participate in what we have just survived ! (3.38) Trainor: Again, Starfury pilots , what's your status ? (3.39) Geezer: Roger, Alexander, we copy ! This is Alpha-2 , from Earthforce 1 Escort. (3.40) Trainor: What ?? What the hell are you doing here ? Don't you know Earthforce 1 exploded a few minutes ago ??? (3.41) Geezer: I know more than you can imagine, I wanna talk to General Hague directly. Would you please be so kind to get him on the link ? (3.42) -- no response fora few seconds Trainor: Pilots , hold positions and stand down ! I'll go get him. (3.43) -- nothing for 20 seconds , then General Hague appears on the screen. Hague: I am General William Hague. Lieutenant ? (3.44) HALE: General, we are the rest of Alpha squadron, Earthforce 1 escort. (3.45) Hague: What are you doing here so deep in hyperspace ? (3.46) HALE: Actually, this will take a while to explain. Please sir, allow us to land and to explain everything to you under 4 eyes. We are eye witnesses they tried to dispose. (3.47) -- 10 seconds nothing Hague: Pilots, you are clear to land. Report to my quarters immediately. (3.48) -- music change, to something like "salvation" ... Geezer: I'm afraid Hague won't see me so soon. As soon as I disembarked from my fighter I will get my nervous breakdown. (3.49) HALE : But we are alive, Jimmy. We are still alive. (3.50) -- mission ends when approaching Alexander. Finally. Debriefing : ( hold by Hague ) ------------------------------- LtCmdr , you are lucky to be alive. The story you told me is quite grim. I have decided not to report your retrieval to EA high command. At first you will stay here on the Alexander. I am sorry for the deaths of your friends. We have retrieved their bodies, but we can't hold a funeral ceremony right now. I am sorry. Your friend Lt.Brightman has requested to be put on the flight rooster. Your records are impressive and I have agreed to assign you to one of the Alexander's flight groups. We have prepared quarters for you two and you should take a rest. Take a breath and come to your senses. We will talk again in twelf hours. (db3.1)