EA Civil War campaign Mission 10 : Point of No Return ------------ Briefing: ---------- Command Briefing: (HALE monologue) All hell has broken loose. The senate has been dissolved, and our democracy is dying. It is dying a horrible death. Jimmy and me, we have top notch front row seats. Sometimes I think it is too much to bare. I saw my friends die, I watched an eyewitness disappear, and now I can watch the descension of our entire culture. If Jimmy wasn't with me, I'd rather prefer to give up than to carry on. Never before in my life I have been so happy to have friends. (b10.1) Mission Briefing: Deyssat : Lt.Commander. I just talked to Major Ryan. (b10.2) Ryan : We have to contact Hague as soon as possible before he runs into a trap. The Alexander should already be at tansfer point Io. We have no contact to any ships in the area, a tachyon relay transmitter must be jamming the frequencies. (b10.3) Shadow : That means we won't be able to communicate unless we drop out of hyperspace. (b10.4) Ryan : Yes. The Brandenburg won't come with us. She will depart for Proxima 3 to meet with the local government. We will leave the way we came. The situation at Io is unknown, so Cpt.Deyssat will give me a Badger. We leave our shuttle here, it would be a sitting duck if we run into trouble. You 3 will form up on my wing. (b10.5) Geezer : This is dangerous. In case the Alexander has already been seized, WE will be running into a trap. (b10.6) Deyssat : I have no doubt the situation will be critical. Clark is systematically shutting down stellarcom relais stations throughout EA territory. Something BIG is imminent. So, we have no idea what awaits you when you drop out of hyperspace. (b10.7) Ryan : We will handle it. Thank you Captain , and good luck with your mission to the colonies. Alright, let's go ! (b10.8) The Mission: ---------------- Setting: ( see mission10.bmp for more info on setting ) - transfer Point Io jumpgate ( at a distance - see plot ) - transfer point Io station ( far away so it doesnt disturb ) - EAS Alexander ( Omega Destroyer ) - Alpha wing ( 3 Starfuries : you, Geezer(INV), Shadow(INV) ) - Beta wing ( 4 Starfuries : Spawn(INV), Balrok(INV), Goblin(INV) , unknown pilot ) - EAS Churchill ( Omega Destroyer ) - Gamma wing ( 4 starfuries ) (number of waves STB, as well if gamma wing really exists) - EAS Washington ( Nova Dreadnought ) Delta wing ( 4 starfuries ) (number of waves STB, as well if wing really exists) - Badger "Clinton" - EAS Houston ( Midwinter class cruiser ) - EAS Charkov ( Midwinter class cruiser ) - EAS Triest ( Midwinter class cruiser ) - EAS Schwarzkopf ( nova Dreadnought ) - Lambda wing ( 4 starfuries , number of wings is (STB) ) - EAS Excalibur ( Omega Destroyer ) - sigma wing ( 4 starfuries , number of wings is (STB) ) - EAS Charybdis ( Omega Destroyer ) - kappa wing ( 4 starfuries , number of wings is (STB) ) - EAS Scylla ( Omega Destroyer ) [ Note : eventually we have to set the shuttle CLINTON to (INV) , that's (STB) ] [ This mission will be a little complicated , so I write a short summary : ] [ The Churchill and the Washington belong to the Alexander while all other ships ] [ follow the orders of President Clark. ] [ You drop out of Hyperspace at the jumpgate , escort Ryan back to Alexander , help to ] [ disarm the EAS HOUSTON , fight of enemy fighters till the Alexander can jump out ] [ and you escape through the jumpgate. ] [The exact mission objectives : [ 1. Escort Ryan back to Alexander (may be irrelevant as objective if shuttle is made INV) [ 2. Disarm the Houston ] [ 3. Protect the Alexander till the ship can jump ] [ 4. Escape through local jumpgate ] [ The real challenge of this mission is to disable the Houston's turrets ] -- In general the ships are positioned as shown in the picture MISSION10. -- The exact positions are (STB) and have to be optimized to serve the intended mission -- plot. -- The CLINTON with Major Ryan onboard and you with Alpha wing start at the -- jumpgate. When the mission starts all ships are still friendly. All fighters wings are -- launched, but they all fly escort for their carriers. -- The first Comm Event starts in the same second as the mission does. The Comm Events -- (till Ryan tells you to change to a wing-internal frequency) come one after another -- with almost no delays between 'em ! -- Hague and the Captain of the Schwarzkopf are both very loud , very angry and very -- emotional. Hague : ...will take our chance! (10.1) Schwarzkopf : General Hague, you are outnumbered and outgunned, I won't repeat myself. You are responsible for the people under your command, don't force me to give the order to attack your ship ! (10.2) Geezer : Oh no.. We are too late. You hear that, people? Now the shit hits the fan ! (10.3) Hague : I am also responsible for the safety and the rights of the people back home, and I won't allow Clark and his fascist to take over Earth Government by default ! (10.4) Hague : This is General Hague to all EarthForce ships still loyal to Earth Alliance constitution! I urge you not to carry out any order by President Clark, and to oppose his dictatorship ! Join us! (10.5) Schwarzkopf : Semantics ! We are soldiers and as soldiers we have to carry out orders! Orders that come from the president himself! If you refuse to.... (10.6) -- cutt channel Trainor: Trainor to Alpha squadron, open a private channel ! (10.7) Geezer: Looks as if the shooting will start any second... We better get it moving !(10.9) Shadow : Done. Bill, everything alright so far ? (10.10) Trainor : Alpha, glad you made it! Major, are you alright ? (10.11) Ryan : Yes, I am here, Bill. (10.12) Trainor : It didn't work out well for us, we are forced to retreat ! We will try to escape but our jumpdrives are still loading. Major, get to our hanger ASAP ! (10.13) Shadow : I am picking up energy spikes ! It has started ! (10.14) -- All capital ships except Alexander, Washington and Churchill turn hostile. The fighters -- of both sides now have their mission objectives. -- Beta Wing defends the Alexander -- (Waves of) Gamma wing defend(s) the Churchill. -- Kappa wing ( from the Charybdis ) attacks Alpha Wing -- Lambda Wing attacks the Alexander -- Sigma Wing randomly attacks enemy fighters. (fighter sweep) -- Note : All these orders are (STB) and may be changed by mission designer -- Orders of the capital ships : -- Washington, Alexander and Churchill stick together and try to outrun Clark's fleet -- while the jumpdrives are still loading. The other ships are trying to intercept, but -- except the HOUSTON that is in front of Hague's allies only the Excalibur and the -- Schwarzkopf will come into firing range. Trainor : Fighting has broken out ! Alpha, you have to buy some time for us here ! We will try to outrun Clark's forces as long our jumpdrives are charging! (10.15) -- show objectives : -- protect Alexander -- protect Churchill -- protect Washington -- force HOUSTON to withdraw -- attack Schwartzkopf -- attack Excalibur -- The Houston should come into firing range sooner or later . The ship opens fire upon -- the Alexander. Later , the Excalibur and the Schwarzkopf will also come into firing -- range and inflict damage upon the Alexander before the ship manages to jump out. -- The Alexander returns fire all the time. Geezer : Hell! This is a nightmare... (10.16) TRAINOR : The HOUSTON is in our path, you must force her to withdraw. Danny, take command of the fighter squads, we are busy keeping the ship together! (10.17) HALE : Lt.Cmdr Hale to Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. I am taking command. (10.18) Balrok : Danny! Glad you made it ! Beta is ready to rock! (10.19) HALE : Hey, John! Good to see you again... (10.20) TRAINOR : Danny, weRemember, Alpha Wing. There are a lot of innocent crewmen aboard. Try not to hit the Houston midship. (10.21) Shadow : Roger, sir. (10.22) -- When the Houston's X-rays are destroyed or hull is under 37%she jumps out. When this happens : Geezer : The Houston is retreating ! (10.23) -- If Houston gets destroyed somehow Shadow says : -- Shadow : The Houston is down ! I repeat , the Houston is down ! (10.24) -- If Alexanders Hull is down to (STB) : -- Spawn : The Alexander is taking heavy damage! We have to protect her! (10.25) -- If Churchills Hull is down to (STB) : -- Trainor : The Churchill is in trouble! Danny, send some more troops over! (10.26) -- If Washingtons Hull is down to (STB) : -- Balrok : Washington is getting hammered! (10.27) -- If Washington is destroyed : -- Balrok : Washington is down! I repeat: Washington is down! (10.28) -- If Churchill is destroyed : -- Trainor : My god! We've lost the Churchill! (10.29) -- If Alexander is destroyed : -- Spawn : She down ! The Alexander is destroyed ! My god ! (10.30) -- at certain timestamp : Trainor : Alexander to all squadrons, we jump in a few seconds. We have no time to take you in right now, you have to take the jumpgate. We will pick you up in hyperspace. Stand by to receive encrypted coordinates for rendezvous. (10.29) Goblin : Roger Alexander, see you later. (10.30) -- The Alexander, the Churchill and the Washington jump out. Alpha, Beta and Gamma wing -- are now alone and head for the jumpgate. Shadow : That's it, people! Mission accomplished ! Now let's get the hell outa here before we are getting creamed ! (10.31) Spawn : Headin' for the jumpgate, rerouting power to engines ! Man, that was close ! Looks as if we have finally lost the initiative ! (10.32) Geezer : Yeah, It's getting better and better. And no holidays on Earth for any of us in the near future. There goes my sex on Cahoona Beach at dusk. (10.33) -- Mission ends as soon as you jump through the gate DEBRIEFING : ( hold by Hague ) ------------- Pilots, we are glad to see you made it back alive. We though you were dead! Now I can tell you what happened back here. President Clark has declared martial law and disbanded the senate. Troops are taking all over Earth. Actually, the old Earth Alliance is no longer existant. We are now on the run, and we have to see if we get a chance to salvage this debakel at all. (db10.1)