EA Civil War campaign Mission 12 : Conference at Orion VII ------------ Briefing: ---------- Command Briefing: (1) hold by HALE I have met many high-ranking officers, but I have never met a man like General Hague. He knows how to inspire his men, how to back'em up, to strengthen them and to give them faith in what they do. It's ironic. We have been declared traitors, and I very proud I am still wearing the same uniform as he. He'll never give up, and standing near a man like him reminds me why I wanted to join the navy... and to serve. (b12.15) (2) hold by Hague Senator Khalumba and Senator Takeshi are very grateful for our help. They will assist us with our next mission. We will bring them to the colony of Orion VII where we will participate in a conference. It is one of the biggest EA colonies. If we can convince them to declace independence this would weaken Clark's position further. The Alexander will stay in orbit and await our return. (b12.1) Mission Briefing: Trainor : Alpha wing will be Hale , Geezer , Shadow and Goblin. (b12.2) HALE : So we patrol the system. Any other ships nearby ? (b12.3) Trainor : Yes. As a precaution some inhabitants have decided to get evacuated. An Asimov Liner , the "Sartre" is leaving the system and taking the people to a safe place. In case Orion 7 leaves the Earth Alliance Clark will surely send troops here. And there is a tranport at the station. Local merchantmen are pushing out of the system. They are civilians. It should be mentioned that they have somehow acquired a number of Zephyr fighters and a transport. This transport , as soon as it is fully loaded with their property , will also leave via the gate. (b12.4) Geezer : Merchantmen with Zephyrs ? Wealthy merchantmen then, with ties to the Raiders. I bet they are criminals. (b12.5) Shadow : That's not our concern. However, as long we are in the system we provide cover for all evacuation procedures. (b12.6) Geezer : Still a risk for the Alexander to wait in orbit. (b12.7) Trainor : As soon as the general has returned with his shuttle we will jump out. (b12.8) Geezer : We shouldn't jinx it again and again. If an Earthgov task force arrives, we will have to leave the general behind! (b12.9) Goblin : Don't look at me, I am feeling uncomfortable ever since this all started. (b12.10) Trainor : Any questions ? (b12.11) Goblin : Yes. Just us with Alpha wing ? (b12.12) Trainor : Beta wing will be ready too but remains docked till the shit hits the fan, just in case. (b12.13) HALE : Alright. Then let's go. (b12.14) The Mission: ---------------- Setting : - Orion VII station - Orion VII jumpgate , at a medium distance to station. - EA atm Shuttle "Greyhound" approaching Alexander ( exact startion pos is (STB)) - EAS Alexander ( quite a few km away from station (STB)) - Alpha wing ( Thunderbolts : you , Geezer(INV) , Shadow (INV), Goblin(INV) ) - Beta wing ( 4 staruries , ? wings ) (STB) - EA transporter "Odin" directly near the station - Hammerhead wing ( 6 Zephyrs ) (STB) escorting ODIN - Asimov Liner "Sartre" already close to the jumpgate , headin' for it - EAS Gattica ( Midwinter cruiser ) will appear close to the station - Tau wing ( 4 starfuries (STB), Tau 1 is "Piranha" (INV) ) - EAS Clarkstown ( Midwinter cruiser ) [ Major Patricia "Piranha" Forrester is a TOP ACE of the Earth Alliance. There are only ] [ a few pilots who count as TOP ACE. ] -- The situation is as descibed above : Orion 7 station , the transport directly near it. -- the jumpgate at medium distance to station , Asimov liner closing on the jumpgate. -- Alexander quite far away from gate and station. but still in fair visual range. The -- exact distance is (STB) as stated above , Alexander and so YOU and your wing must be -- away so you can't interfere with the happenings at the jumpgate and the station. -- Shuttle Greyhound is at medium distance and comes from the direction where the Orion 7 -- planet background picture is. Geezer : Ah, finally ! Shuttle Greyhound with General Hague is closing in ! We've been sitting here waiting long enough ! (12.1) Shadow : General , what's the situation, sir ? (12.2) Hague : We have brought the senators planetside. I have participated in the negotiations, and I believe Orion 7 will declare independence soon. Our job here is done. (12.3) HALE : First good news since .... can't say. (12.4) Shadow : Alright . Alpha wing , take escort position. Let's escort shuttle Greyhound back to the Alexander. (12.5) -- nothing for a while (STB) Goblin : What about the other colonies ? (12.6) Trainor : So far we didn't hear anything from the BRANDENBURG, she is negotiating with the authorities at Proxima 3. (12.7) Hague : They are all still hesitating. Officially not a single colony has refused to carry out Clark's orders. However, Mars is still rejecting to declare martial law. If the mars colony stays hard and the opposition back home stands up to Clark, it might be enough to push him out of power. (12.8) HALE : And in the meantime Earthforce vessels hunt us for treason. We will leave now, sir ? (12.9) Hague : Yes. We will stay in motion so our pursuers have a hard time tracking us down. The EAS Churchill will arrive here in a few hours and check the situation again. The Brandenburg didn't report in yet ? (12.10) Trainor : No sir. We haven't heard anything from her. (12.11) Hague : We will try to contact her as soon as we are back in hyperspace. The ship was supposed to send us a status report 2 hours ago. Communications here are troubled, lets hope it's just a problem with a hyperspace transmitter. (12.12) HALE : Understood, sir. (12.13) -- nothing for a while (STB). The Greyhound should have landed in the meantime. -- The transport is still near the station , the Asimov should now be at the jumpgate and -- jump out in the next minute. -- Then the Midwinter cruiser GATTICA jumps in directly in fire range of the transport. -- The Gattica fires upon the transport till it is destroyed. The Gattica will as well -- launch TAU wing to attack the Zephyrs. The station itself is completely neutral. -- When the Gattica arrives : Trainor : Alexander to all fighters, a Midwinter class cruiser has jumped in ! (12.14) Shadow : It's the EAS Gattica ! That ship belongs to the 5th carrier group. (12.15) Geezer : What does that mean ? (12.16) Trainor : The 5th carrier group under the command of General Ackermann is directly assigned to hunting us down. His flagship is the Achilles, we met him at Cooke. (12.17) GATTICA : This is the Earth Alliance cruiser GATTICA to Alexander and Odin. You are ordered to stand down and to surrender. (12.18) ODIN : We are just merchantmen, packing and leaving ! You have no right to prevent us from going where we want to ! (12.19) GATTICA : Odin, we know of your ties with the Raiders, this is your final warning ! Alexander, I say again, stand down and surrender ! (12.20) -- TAU wing launches and attacks the Zephyrs. the Alexander launches Beta wing which will -- as well stay close to the Alexander. Goblin : Hah ! Geezer was right. Criminals. How nice of them to buy time for us. (12.21) Trainor : We are leaving the system in a minute. All fighters, stay close to the Alexander ! That's an order ! (12.22) Goblin : A slaughter back there. (12.23) -- When the Zephyrs are destroyed TAU wing stays with the Gattica. I don't -- want a contact with Alpha wing or the Alexander. The Odin surrenders. Goblin : The Raiders are standing down... Oh hell ! Hey people, check the transponder identity of TAU 1. (12.24) Piranha : Aaaah ! Lt.Cmdr. Dan Hale. I saw forward to meeting you one day. Oh, and hello Shadow , how's the going ? (12.25) Shadow : *with a pissed voice* Hello Tricia. (12.26) Piranha : I see you are once again in bad company. Well, being a traitor is just part of what you are. You have always been a traitor, in any way. (12.27) HALE : Who's the bitch ? (12.28) Stellarcom : Shadow : Later, Danny. We should now ..... (12.29) -- Shadow is interruped by a coded binary tranmission that lasts a few -- seconds. Geezer speaks while the transmittion is still going on. Geezer : That's a coded transmission from the Gattica. We should really leave now. Trainor, talk to me buddy ! (12.30) Trainor : The general is onboard! Decrypting transmission. It's a simple binary code. It is.... oh no. That's not good, the Gattica is sending the precise coordinates of the Alexander ! Engines to full power ! (12.31) -- The EAS CLarkstown jumps in, directly near the Alexander and opens fire. The Alexander -- starts its engines, the Clarkstown follows and stays in relative position, guns firing. -- The Alexander doesn't attack the Clarkstown. Shadow : We are under attack ! Midwinter Cruiser Clarkstown has jumped in! It's time we leave! (12.32) Geezer : The Clarkstown! Hey, the Alexander is not returning fire ! Brightman to Alexander, please respond ! (12.33) Goblin : Shadow, watch out ! Stay in formation ! (12.34) Geezer : Alexander ! Brightman to Alexander ! Please respond ! General ! (12.35) HALE : We have to hold it up as long as we can ! Target Clarkstown ! (12.36) Geezer : Brightman to Alexander ! We can't outrun them in normal space! General! (12.37) -- you fight with the Clarkstown. After a while (STB) : Trainor : Command to squadron , fire in the hole. I repeat : fire in the hole ! Aft batteries : FIRE ! (12.38) -- The Alexander fires and shoots the Clarkstown into bits. Shadow : Clarkstown destroyed. Return to base ASAP, we are pulling out as fast as we can! (12.39) -- mission ends. DEBRIEFING : ( hold by Ryan ) ------------- It is my duty to inform you that General Hague was killed in this recent firefight. He was on his way to the bridge when we suffered a direct hit midship. General Hague has been one of Earth's finest, he will be missed. The funeral ceremony will be at 0900. There is another issue. We have confirmation that the EAS Brandenburg has been destroyed. The ship was hunted down by the EAS HERACLES. From our companion vessels, only the Churchill is left. General Ackermann and parts of the 5th carrier group are still after us. The Alexander is damaged and badly in the need of repairs. We will now head for the last place that can offer us shelter : Babylon 5. The Churchill is done at Orion 7, she will join us soon. We have sent a message to inform Captain Sheridan of our arrival. So far he has been the most valuable ally in the resistance against President Clark. We will see what do do when we are there. (db12.1)