EA Civil War campaign Mission 14 : The Narn Connection. ---------------------------------- Briefing: ---------- Command Briefing: ( hold by Ryan ) We are heading for the Mitoc system where we will arrive in 6 hours. Back at Babylon 5 Sheridan suggested to meet G'Kar, the former ambassador of the fallen Narn Regime. I did as he told me. G'Kar and I agreed to work together in this : The Narn's situation is similar to ours. Their homeworld is occupied and the rest of their fleet is sneaking around in order to organize the resistance against the Centauri. Warleader Na'Kal , the commanding officer of the Narn cruiser G'Tok, is going to meet us at Mitoc. We will see if we can help each other out. (b14.1) Mission Briefing: Trainor : The Alexander will be here in the Mitoc system. Alpha wing is Hale, Geezer, Spawn and Sidewinder. You will fly the new thunderbolts we got from the Churchill. (b14.2) HALE : Well, the t-bolt is a tough enemy. Can't wait to fly one of those. (b14.3) Trainor : You will fly patrol , together with Beta wing. That will be Shadow , Goblin, Balrok and Gatling. Beta wing will also have t-bolts . (b14.4) Goblin : Excellent. (b14.5) Shadow : Now they all want to fly the t-bolt. (b14.6) Geezer : Yes, as I always say : Favor the bolt ! (b14.7) Spawn : *laughs silently* (b14.8) Trainor : We will wait for the G'Tok. Major Ryan and Na'Kal will meet to discuss the situation. (b14.9) Balrok : So we keep our eyes open, right ? (b14.10) Trainor : That's correct. The Mitoc system is at the Narn-Brakiri border. The Centauri are expanding in all directions. In the last weeks they have attacked almost every world close to Centauri space. And there is another issue. Major. (b14.11) Ryan : Thanks Bill. Back at Babylon 5 Captain Sheridan informed me about another war going on out there. An old race, Sheridan called them the SHADOWS, is attacking the worlds of the League. The Shadows force the races to start wars against their neighbours, and when they are weakened the shadows attack them. (b14.12) Geezer : Sounds as if they are all fighting against each other ? (b14.13) Spawn : Does this have anything to do with the recording ISN showed a couple of months ago ? This black spider-like ship with the purple beam cannon ? (b14.14) Ryan : Yes. That was one of their ships. (b14.15) Balrok : Why didn't we hear anything about this in the last months ? (b14.16) Ryan : We still were in EA space and those Shadows are allies of President Clark. (b14.17) Geezer : WHAT ?????? (b14.18) Spawn : Will the Alexander be able to defend against those black ships ? (b14.19) Ryan : Due to the reports Sheridan gave me we have to assume that a shadow vessel can easily kill an Omega Destroyer without difficulty. (b14.20) Geezer : So what if we meet one of those black things ? (b14.21) Goblin : Guess what ? Then we are history, dipshit ! (b14.22) Shadow : Goblin, Geezer ! (b14.23) Ryan : Alright. let's finish the briefing. Bill ? (b14.24) Trainor : While the meeting takes place, you will test the capabilities of our new fighter. When we arrive Alpha and Beta will engage in a simulated dogfight. Let's see how you handle the t-bolt. That's all. Dismissed. (b14.25) The Mission: ---------------- Setting: - EA crew shuttle "Clinton" - EA crew shuttle "Roosevelt" - EAS Alexander ( Omega ) - Alpha wing ( 4 t-bolts : you ,Geezer(INV) ,Spawn(INV) ,Sidewinder(INV) ) - Beta wing ( 4 starfuries : Shadow(INV), Goblin(INV), Balrok(INV), Gatling(INV) ) - Rho wing ( 4 starfuries ) - Gamma wing ( 4 starfuries ) [ regarding (inv) of Alpha and Beta : Check the plot of this mission ! ] - NRS G'Tok ( G'Quan cruiser ) - Blade wing ( 3 Zephyrs : Goblin(INV), Balrok(INV), Gatlin(INV) ) - REP-2 ( a Centauri Sentri fighter : Shadow(INV) ) - Ah-Khar wing ( 4 Frazi , ? waves ) (STB) - CRS Honorius ( Centauri Primus battleship ) - IMP-A wing ( 4 Sentri fighters , ? waves ) (STB) - IMP-B wing ( 4 Sentri fighters , ? waves ) (STB) - IMP-C wing ( 4 Rutharian fighters , ? waves ) (STB) - CRS Gladius ( Vorchan attack cruiser ) -- The mission starts. You are close to the Alexander with Alpha and Beta wing. Trainor : Hang in there. Make yourself familiar with the t-bolt. Try to get a feeling for it. You should notice it is superior to the aurora. Navbuoy One just got activated. Alpha and Beta wing , the simulated combat starts when you are there. Set course ! (14.1) -- Nav buoy 1 appears at 10 km (STB) All fighters from Alpha and Beta wing head there. -- The distance is so big coz Beta wing would also be hostile to the capital ships and -- Geezer has to play music when they all fly back. Geezer : ISN, pimp my fighter. I think I'm gonna like it. Now that we have some time... Shadow, who was the bitch back at Orion VII ? (14.2) Shadow : Piranha. Her real name is Patricia Forrester. She is one of the EA top-ace pilots, I flew with her before I was transferred to the Alexander 4 years ago. (14.3) Geezer : There was something personal between you..... (14.4) Shadow : Well, we were together for a while, and that's all I tell you about it. However, our relationship turned into hatred on both sides, especially when it broke up. (14.5) Spawn : Patricia Forrester ? I know that name. The Bremer Incident ? That was her ? (14.6) Geezer : The WHAT-incident ? (14.7) Shadow : Long story, I'll tell you later. Lets just say Piranha is a very capable and dangerous pilot, mad with ambition, and full of blind loyalty. Ah, the narns have arrived. (14.8) -- The G'Tok jumps in at 5-6 km (STB) . IFF friendly. Na'Kal : This is the Narn cruiser G'Tok. I am Warleader Na'Kal. Alexander, do you copy ? (14.9) Ryan : Roger. I am Major Ed Ryan. A pleasure to meet you, Na'Kal. (14.10) Na'kal : You are welcome. Well, we shouldn't talk over stellarcom. You are invited to come aboard. (14.11) Ryan : Sure. I am on my way. I will see you in a minute. (14.12) -- After 30 seconds (STB) . -- Shuttle Clinton starts and heads for G'Tok. -- When Shu Clinton has landed : -- Geezer : Major Ryan has arrived on the G'Tok. (14.13) Shadow : Alright. We are closing the dogfight area . All have reconfigured ? Excellent. Let the games begin !(14.14) -- As soon as you are near the navbuoy ( within 100 meters ) : -- 1. Beta wing turns hostile -- 2. All ships no longer (INV) -- 3. Each ship that gets heavily damaged ( down to 35% or so (STB) ) instantly -- gets 100% hull integrity , its (INV) back and becomes non-combattant (friendly again) -- 4. After Alpha or Beta wing won everything should be back to normal. If the player -- is shot this means Alpha wing looses at once. -- When the meelee starts : Shadow : Fight ! (14.15) -- When you are shot : meelee stops at once. -- Geezer : Danny, you are dead ! Well, sort of... (14.16) -- Trainor : Alpha and Beta wing , stop this and come back immediately. (14.17) -- Shadow : Roger. Well , Dan, do you have a hang-over ? (14.18) -- Well , loosing this is a shame, but doesn't have any further consequences. -- When Shadow is out : -- Shadow : Aaahh ! Damn it ! I am out. Who shot me ? (14.19) -- Geezer : You really wanna know that , hmm ? *short evil laughter* (14.20) -- When Geezer is out : -- Geezer : Ah shit ! I'm out ! Well , the throttle was stuck ! Can we start over? (14.21) -- Goblin : DEFINITELY not. People usually die only once. (14.22) -- When Goblin is out : -- Goblin : Alright, alright. I am out. (14.23) -- When Spawn is out : -- Spawn : Damn you ! I am out ! (14.24) -- When Balrok is out : -- Balrok : Oh shit , I didn't see you ! I am out. (14.25) -- When Sidewinder is out : -- Shadow : Hehe , Sidewinder just passed away. One less. (14.26) -- When Gatling is out : -- Geezer : Yeah ! Gatling , you are dead ! (14.27) -- If you don't get "killed" this means Alpha wing wins. Go on here : -- Geezer : We won! Alpha squadron rulez ! OK, people. don't bother, we are all on the same side. Lets head back to the Alexander. (14.28) -- If you lost : -- Shadow : Well done, pilots ! Danny, you are creamed, along with your squadron. (14.29) Geezer : I'm glad we are all friendlies ! Listen to this ! (14.30) -- CUTSCENE Stellarcom : -- Geezer plays last third of "It's a long way to Tipperary" -- Text is shown : It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go. It's a long way to Tipperary, to the sweetest girl I know. Goodbye, Picadilly ! Farewell L'Cester square ! It's a long long way to Tipperary, but my heart's right there ! (14.31) -- When song is over : Spawn : Main guns reconfigured. Switched back to normal. (14.32) -- Now it shouldn't take long till the plot goes on (STB) -- Crew Shuttle Clinton launches from the G'Tok and flies back to the Alexander. Trainor : Alexander to fighter squadrons. Major Ryan is coming back with 4 narn pilots. We have agreed on a fighter exchange.Those pilots will take 4 aurora class starfuries back to the G'Tok. (14.33) Trainor : We will start another shuttle and bring 4 pilots to Na'Kal's ship. They will take 3 Zephyrs and a Centauri Sentri class fighter back to the Alexander. Beta wing, thats your job. Return to base and get on the Crew Shuttle Roosevelt waiting for you in the main bay. (14.34) Shadow : Beta wing returning to base. Well that's interesting ! A captured Sentri and Zephyrs , presumably from earlier contacts with the Raiders. (14.35) Trainor : Yes , this allows us and the Narn to fly some undercover missions. When we want to operate in EA territory we can use some other fighters than the aurora and the t-bolt, just like this Sentri. (14.36) -- When Beta wing has returned to the Alexander Shuttle Roosevelt launches and heads for -- G'Tok . Shadow : Crew Shuttle Roosevelt here. We have set course for the G'Tok. Oh , and Balrok just asked me to tell Geezer to stay away from us. Before he accidentally shoots our shuttle. (14.37) Geezer : I won't comment on this one. (14.38) Shadow : When we are back we'll pull out. See you soon. (14.39) -- After Clinton and Roosevelt landed nothing for 30 secs. Then Roosevelt launches from -- The G'Tok and flies back to the Alexander ( carrying nothing ) , accompagnied by the -- 3 Zephyrs and the Sentri. Simultaneously 4 Aurora starfuries ( rho wing ) launch from -- the Alexander and head to land on the G'Tok. Shadow : Beta here, we are on our way back. I really love this Sentri! I have always wanted to fly a centauri fighter! Fat guns! (14.40) -- Then, after some seconds (STB) : -- Centauri Primus HONORIUS and Vorchan cruiser GLADIUS jump in at a distance (STB) The -- Vorchan should be somewhere behind the Primus ( so it doesn't close TOO fast ). -- Both head for the G'Tok. Trainor : Attention all units ! A small Centauri battlegroup has entered the system ! (14.41) Geezer : Shit. Some more of Shadow's fat guns on intercept vector. (14.42) HONORIUS : Centauri Battleship HONORIUS to EAS Alexander. We know you are Earthforce renegades, but we will allow you to retreat unharmed. Don't get involved. (14.43) -- G'Tok launches Ah'Khar wing. The Primus launches its fighters as well. Na'Kal : Na'Kal to Alexander. The Primus isn't fast enough to catch us, but the Vorchan attack cruiser will pose a serious threat ! (14.44) -- Alexander and G'Tok turn and fly away from the Centauri vessels in order to buy time -- against the Vorchan and to leave the Primus behind. Ryan : Command to all fighters, we are powering up jumpdrives. Beta, move it to the hangar bay! Alpha, stay close to us! We are pulling out. (14.45) Na'Kal : Alexander, our jumpdrive's still charging, can you cover us ? (14.46) HALE : Major, I know we don't want to be involved into another conflict, but we cannot let them down! Our friends are all we have ! (14.47) HALE : Major, please ! The Centauri have already signed a treaty with president Clark ! The damage is already done! (14.48) -- After a few secs... Ryan : Alright. Alexander to Alpha wing, protect the G'Tok! We are launching more starfuries to assist you. (14.49) -- Gamma wing launches Na'Kal : Thank you, Major! We owe you one ! (14.50) -- When ship transfer is complete ( rho wing starfuries landed on G'Tok , Zephyrs, Sentri -- and Roosevelt landed on Alexander ) : -- When the Vorchan is down Ryan : Vorchan cruiser destroyed. ! (14.51) -- when G'Tok jumps out shortly after. -- Ryan : The narns have escaped ! All units, back to base! We are leaving. (14.52) -- when G'Tok escaped or destroyed : Ryan : That's it ! All fighters, get into position, prepare to jump ! (14.53) Debriefing : ( hold by Ryan ) --------------------------------------- (1) If Vorchan destroyed and G'Tok saved : Excellent work pilots ! The Narns and the EA defectors are now combining their ressources to free their homeworlds. The fighter exchange was the first step. We also have tactical knowledge of Centauri operations in the territory of the League. Some officers were working with Centauri personnel before the Civil War broke out, and now we can use the data of the EA-Centauri treaty for our purposes. Na'Kal was very grateful and has used his connections to the league to give us intelligence data on recent EA operations at the borders of their territories. Briefing will be in 6 hours. (db14.1) (2) The G'Tok has been destroyed : We can't go back to EA space and we don't know anything about this region of space. We have no further perspectives and are unable to launch any attacks against Clark's regime. We will see what to do now, however , due to your poor flying you are forgiven flight status. Dismissed. (db14.2) ( Mission's a failure , you have to fly again )