EA Civil War campaign Mission 20 : Tricks And Traitors PART 2 ------------ Briefing: -none- this is a red alert mission and starts directly after mission 19 ---------- The Mission: ---------------- Setting : - KOTOK system jumpgate - EAS Alexander ( Omega ) - alpha wing ( 4 thunderbolts : you , Shadow(INV), Balrok(INV) , Spawn(INV) ) - Beta wing ( 4 starfuries , ? waves (STB)) - delta wing ( 4 starfuries ) - EA atmospheric shuttle "Greyhound" - Narn G'Quan "G'Tok" - Rathi wing ( 3 Frazi , ? waves (STB)) - Narn G'Quan "G'Laan" - Stopa wing ( 3 Frazi , ? waves (STB)) - Narn G'Quan "G'Kori" - Toka wing ( 3 Frazi , ? waves (STB)) - EAS Achilles ( Omega destroyer ) - Kappa wing ( 4 starfuries , ? waves (STB)) - Iota wing ( 4 thunderbolts , ? waves (STB)) - EAS Glasgow ( Midwinter cruiser ) - Mu wing ( 4 starfuries , ? wings (STB)) - EAS Stalingrad ( Midwinter cruiser ) - Nu wing ( 4 starfuries , ? wings (STB)) - EAS Frankfurt ( Midwinter cruiser ) - Sigma wing ( badgers , ? wing (STB)) - EAS Loki ( Olympus Corvette ) - EA freighter AZMODAN -- The mission starts. You are with alpha wing. Together with beta wing you are near the -- Alexander. The Olympus and the freighter are at a distance , obviously docking at each -- other. HALE : We are here. Alpha, target the olympus corvette "Loki". Let's take her out. (20.1) -- While still closing on the Olympus the ship disengages from the freighter and jumps out. HALE : What the hell.... Loki jumped out. Damn, they are making decisions fast ! Alpha wing, disable the freighter and shoot its engines. (20.2) Balrok : What's going on here ? Where are Geezer and Goblin ? Jimmy ! Rick ! Say something ! (20.3) Spawn : I can't get a reading on them. They are not here ! (20.4) Trainor : Dan , make a scan of that freighter. (20.5) -- After you scanned the freighter -- cutscene start ??? Trainor : Receiving scanning data.... No computer components. Looks as if the Olympus took the freight. They've been warned. (20.6) Spawn : I don't get it. If Geezer and Goblin are not here, who sent us the coordinates? (20.7) Shadow : Oh hell.....! (20.8) HALE : Jimmy! Rick ! Come in , damnit ! (20.8) Trainor : All units, return to base , we are leaving at once ! Move it! Move it!! (20.9) -- When you are heading back to the Alexander an explosion occurs on the Alexander! -- This was a bomb. IceFire knows how to incite this event , contact him. Balrok : *shouting* Oh SHIT! All units, stay away from Alexander ! (20.10) HALE : Alexander, come in ! Bill, do you copy? (20.11) -- after 10 seconds Shadow : Let's make an inspection of the Alexander's hull ! (20.12) -- When really close to Alexander : Spawn : Hull heavily damaged, but seems to be still intact. Bill , do you read me ? (20.13) -- Trainor speaks now , he is frightened , you hear alarms sounding and people screaming -- in the background Trainor : This is Trainor! We have many dead and wounded here ! Our jumpdrive is destroyed! Tachyon transmitters down, engines offline ! (20.14) Shadow : My god... it is over. We cannot escape. I bet Ackermann's carrier group will be here soon, and this time we have no backup ! (20.15) HALE : I know. I think we all know. (20.16) -- After 20 seconds Trainor : Trainor here ! Listen up, people! As you have noticed, they pulled our shorts up over our head and tied them in a knot! But we are not finished yet! We are launching a shuttle, escort it to the jumpgate ! (20.17) -- The shuttle starts and heads for the jumpgate. For it will reach the gate without -- problems it should fly with more than the common 0.0000003 klicks per second. -- As soon as its there it jumps out with delta wing. Trainor : The shuttle will establish a link with the next tachyon comm relais station in hyperspace and broadcast a distress signal. (20.18) HALE : Distress call? (20.19) Trainor : The narns were also monitoring Ackermanns retreat, perhaps they can hear us! (20.20) Shadow : The narns ? Frankly, I don't think we can expect more than moral support. They are almost down to nothing themselves! (20.21) -- when shuttle has jumped HALE : Shuttle Greyhound, do you have any readings ? (20.22) Greyhound : We have a reading on an incoming taskforce. E.T.A. 2 minutes. Can't be any more precise. (20.23) Spawn : Ackermann. (20.24) Greyhound : Yes, Lieutenant. He's already jamming our frequencies, we don't know if our distress call came through. Alright, we are packing, heading back to the barn. (20.25) -- Greyhound jumps back in and heads back for Alexander. HALE : We have done all we can. (20.26) Greyhound : Greyhound to Alexander. We are coming back. (20.27) Ryan : Alexander to all fighters, we will hold out as long as we can. If we don't get any help, we will have no chance but to surrender. In that case, jump out and try to escape on your own. (20.28) --- eventually new mission here ??? 20b ? -- After a while (STB) the 4 enemy capital ships jump in and release their fighters. -- Out of fire range though. HALE : He is here! (20.29) Ackermann : This is General Ackermann of the Earth Alliance Destroyer Achilles to EAS Alexander and fighters. Your little insurrection is at an end. You cannot win and you cannot escape. Surrender your vessels and prepare to be boarded. (20.30) Ryan : Now it starts! Good luck to all of us ! (20.31) -- Fighting breaks out . You have to repell EA attacks on the Alexander. -- At first Alexander is out of firing range of enemy capital ships. -- We enrich the fighting with some chatter : exact timestamps for following lines are -- (STB) Shadow : Danny, you are in command of Alpha! I'll take Delta wing and provide close cover for the Alexander. (20.32) -- after a while Spawn : This is wearing us out! We cannot hold out forever! (20.33) -- When Alexander is down to 40 % Shadow : Danny, the Alexander is taking heavy fire ! Some of you should fall back and help us, or it's all over in a minute! (20.34) -- When Midwinters are in firing range : Balrok : Watch out! Midwinters are coming into optimal firing range ! (20.35) -- After a while (STB) , you should have already dealt with a number of fighters/bombers Ackermann : *agressive tone* This is General Ackermann. Major Ryan, your resistance is pointless. This conflict only raises the death toll. Is that what you want to achieve ? (20.36) -- The Narn fleet jumps in , all fighters launched. They are closing in on Clark's forces. -- Clark's capital ships should now come into firing range of Alexander and Narn forces... -- and vice versa. Ryan : No. But perhaps it is not pointless, general. (20.37) Na'Kal : This is Warleader Na'Kal from the Narn cruiser G'Tok to Earth Alliance Destroyer Achilles and escort. You are aligned with the Centauri occupants and firing at associates of the narn Resistance. Stop your attack at once or you'll be destroyed. (20.38) Ackermann : Warleader Na'Kal, this is nothing of your concern. Besides, your side is still outgunned. You may leave now, or die with your associates. (20.39) Na'Kal : I don't think so. (20.40) HALE : Commander Hale to all fighters, take point ! Main target is the EAS Achilles! (20.41) Spawn : Roger that Alpha 1, hanging on ! (20.42) -- Main target is to destroy the Achilles while simultaneously ensuring the survival of -- the Alexander. Alexander and Achilles will fire at each other.... so the key to winning -- is to inflict MORE damage to Achilles than the badgers did to the Alexander. The -- Midwinterss ar subject to the narn G'Quans' firepower. -- Note : The G'Quans and the midwinters are just additional atmospheric elements. This -- time I will leave it to the mission designers to remove or add Midvinters or -- G'Quans and to design the surrounding battle. This script only focusses on the -- ALEXANDER, the Achilles, and the G'TOK ( that ship should survive battle -- unharmed ). -- And all of Clark's ships shall get destroyed during the mission. -- So , YOU do the mission , Mr.Designer ! -- When Achilles at 5% Hull : ( STB, and note : no other capital ships attack Alexander ) Ackermann : Ackermann to Alexander, you cannot outrun us forever ! I give you one final warning ! Surrender at once or be destroyed ! (20.43) -- Achilles explodes. Spawn : Apparently you slightly misjudged the situation, general. See you in hell. (20.44) -- This is not supposed to be a tough job.... it would be too frustrating if the player -- had to replay the mission AFTER he destroyed the Achilles , only because a stupid -- Midwinter blew him out of the stars. -- When all Midwinters destroyed : Shadow : That was the last one ! (20.45) Balrok : Yeah ! Grand Slam ! Well I think the 5th carrier group won't embarrass us any longer ! (20.46) HALE : Welcome Na'Kal ! We are in your debt. We didn't know if you received our distress call. Thanks for coming. (20.47) Na'Kal : Well. As you said...After all, our friends are all we have. I agree. (20.48) Trainor : Well done, people. Well done indeed. Return to base. (20.49) -- Mission ends when closing on Alexander. -- If the ALEXANDER gets destroyed before the Achilles is at 5% : Shadow : No ! Alexander is destroyed ! The Alexander is down ! (20.50) Spawn : Alpha 4 to all narn cruisers , abort mission at once ! (20.51) -- Narn ships jump out then and you can do whatever you please , you have to replay -- Or mission end SEXP , failure. DEBRIEFING : If Alexander is destroyed there is no debriefing , you have to fly again. -------------- Trainor : Alright pilots, this is the official debriefing. The most important thing first : Goblin is the traitor. We believe he is personally responsible for nearly all the difficulties we encountered in the last months, including the assault at Orion VII that led to General Hague's death. The destruction of the Alexander in this trap was supposed to be his masterpiece. Now that we have survived and the Alexander is getting repaired he will surely get nervous. If anyone here ever meets him again, shoot him right between his eyes. For Hague, Geezer and our other dead comrades. And now comes the good part. While defending the Alexander you have wiped out the head of the 5th carrier group. General Ackermann's death is a great victory for us and the Resistance. The remaining ships have finally been called back and reassigned to other EA fleets. Intelligence is trying to figure out what data on our recent operations Goblin took with him when he escaped. At first we will stay hidden and follow Warleader Na'Kal to a secret resupply base when our drives are repaired. And Danny, we have to talk about something else. Major Ryan wants to see you. (db20.1)