EA Civil War campaign Mission 22 : No Sacred Rules ( Red Alert mission ) ------------------------------ Command Briefing: -none- Mission Briefing: -none- The Mission: --------------- Setting: ( T'Llinn system ) - alpha wing ( 4 thunderbolts : you , Shadow(INV), Balrok(INV), Spawn(INV) ) - Narn transport "G'Troke" - Brakiri Avioki "Khalbenum" - Raider Battlewagon "Spacelane Fever" - Bone wing ( 3 Zephyrs , 3 waves ) - Skull wing ( 3 Zephyrs , 3 waves ) - Narn transport "Gorad" - Narn transport "Narek" - Drazi transport "Lethek" - Drazi transport "Suthari" - other League civilian vessels if possible -- May I introduce you to Eugene Dillinger, an inconsiderate pirate with great faith in -- his own talents. He should have an arrogant voice with -- british accent. He always is polite, though. -- You start near G'Troke, the ship is heading for the escapees convoy which is at a -- distance. The Raider battlewagon "Spacelane Fever" is close to the convoy , escorted -- by the 3 Zephyrs from Bone wing. Dillinger : I shall take your position into consideration, captain, but you must under- stand that I also have expenses. (22.1) Khalbenum : We need those resources ! We cannot afford giving you more than we already have ! The children will starve ! (22.2) Dillinger : Nonsense. I have to stick to my business agreements. So, would you please be so kind to dumb your cargo ? (22.3) Shadow : What the hell is going on here ? Seems we just ran into a pirate robbing escapees. (22.4) Dillinger : Ah ! Newcomers. May I introduce myself to you. I am the one who will guarantee you safe passage through this region of space. For a small donation of course. (22.5) Spawn : You will soon find out that we are very well able to care for ourselves, asshole. You want a donation, hmm ? Come get some ! (22.6) Dillinger : Actually that is less charming than I am used to it. (22.7) -- Zephyrs start to attack. HALE : They are attacking! Alpha, let's take em out. Weapons free ! (22.8) Balrok : Can't believe the Raiders are doing such a thing ! Kill'em all ! (22.9) -- After a while , while fighting... Dillinger : Your resistance is remarkable, but quite stubborn, isn't it? I'll enjoy watching you die, Earthforcies. (22.10) Spawn : We'll see, you pirate scum ! (22.11) -- when all Zephyrs are defeated or Raider Carrier takes too much damage : Dillinger : *now angry* You made your choice. We'll meet again. Soon. (22.12) -- The Raider Battlewagon jumps out. Balrok : Well, this guy's either extremely stupid or absolutely brilliant. Doesn't he know there are firstones vessels flying around ? As if we don't have any other problems right now. Pirates ! (22.13) HALE : We'll deal with that pest. Brakiri cruiser KHALBENUM, do you copy ? (22.14) Khalbenum : Affirmatve, please identify yourself. (22.15) HALE : Lt.Cmdr Dan Hale from Earthforce Resistance. Looks as if we are your new escort, at first. (22.16) G'Troke : These humans are our allies, captain. They rescued my ship at Zhabar. (22.17) Khalbenum : So the rumors are correct ? The shadows destroyed the transfer point ? May the great maker help us.... (22.18) Spawn : Talking about those Raiders again.... (22.19) Khalbenum : We would have given them the resources and then they would have left us alone! Now the whole convoy is in great danger ! They will strike back for what you did to them ! We have children on board ! (22.20) G'Troke : Bullshit ! Do you really believe they would have left ? They never pass up easy prey! (22.21) Spawn : Do we have to discuss this right now ? (22.22) -- After a few seconds : Khalbenum : We have to leave at once. Alpha wing, get at our side , we are jumping out now. You may land in our hangar bay. We are flying to Quadrant 17 where we will meet with a Drazi convoy. Our jumpdrives are charged. We have enough energy for a final jump. (22.23) -- Mission ends when you close on Khalbenum Debriefing : ( hold by YOU ) -------------------------------- HALE : Personal log. We have landed on the Avioki cruiser Khalbenum and the Brakiri have briefed us on the situation. It seems the Raiders have forced them to give quite a number of supplies yet. A very clever tactic, they still refuse to see they are bleeding to death. Captain Cambrandt believes the Raiders will now punish the convoy as a whole for their defeat in the last mission. I am not really surprised that they are not very kind to us, but I understand their motivation. It is fear. LtCmdr Dan Hale , EarthForce (db22.1)