EA Civil War campaign Mission 24 : Kickstart ( Red Alert mission ) ------------------------------ Command Briefing: ( Pirate 1 : Well I think it's hopeless. This guy won't tell us anything. Hmm ? *sound of fist hitting face* And now ? Better ? (b24.1) Shadow : *breathing heavily* (b24.2) Pirate 2 : Hahahaha ! Come on flyboy ! There must be something you can tell me. *again fist in face* (b24.3) Shadow : *groaning* Go fuck yourself ... (b24.4) Pirate 1 : Oh... Did you hear the small man ? He said the F-word ! (b24.5) Pirate 2 : Wohoo ! Then let's teach him he shouldn't use bad language. *once again fist in face* (b24.6) Shadow : *groaning* Uhhhh ! uh..... uh.... (b24.7) Pirate 1 : You like that , hmm ? One more ? (b24.8) Pirate 2 : Again , flyboy. What ship are you from ? (b24.9) -- nothing for 5 secs Pirate 2 : I can't hear you. *fist in face* (b24.10) Shadow : Uhmmm..! *fast* Ok ok ok ok ok ... I tell you. We are just trespassing this system. All we want is to get to Babylon 5. (b24.11) Pirate 1 : What was your carrier ? (b24.12) Shadow : EAS Alexander, under the command of Major Ed Ryan. EarthForce Resistance. (b24.13) Pirate 2 : So, our little flyboy here is become sensible ! But.. tell me, how comes you are suddenly so cooperative ? (b24.14) Shadow : *still groaning, but amused* Heh , because you won't tell anyone. Look behind you. *you hear sound of PPG loading up* (b24.15) Pirate 1 : Oh shit ! *you hear 2 shots and sound of bodies falling on floor* (b24.16) Shadow : What took you so long ? (b24.17) Spawn : Getting rid of my chains. How are you ? (b24.18) Shadow : Will do. *groan* Now let's get the hell out of here ! (b24.19) Balrok : *alarms sounding while he speaks* To the flight deck ! Let's grab a fighter and get the hell out of here ! Danny ! Move it ! (b24.20) -- volume fades out while you hear alarms soundign and heros running to flight deck. Mission Briefing: ( no speech , just show this text : ) Get the hell out of here ! The Mission: --------------- Setting: ( Quadrant 17 ) - alpha wing ( 4 Zephyrs : you , Shadow(INV), Balrok(INV), Spawn(INV) ) - Narn transport "G'Troke" - Brakiri Avioki "Khalbenum" - Raider Battlewagon "Spacelane Fever" (INV) - Phex wing ( 3 Zephyrs ) - Skull wing ( 2 Zephyrs , ? waves ) attacking convoy (STB) - Bone wing ( 2 Zephyrs , ? waves ) attacking YOU (STB) - Narn transport "Gorad" - Narn transport "Narek" - Drazi transport "Lethek" - Drazi transport "Suthari" - other League civilian vessels if possible - Drazi sunhawk "Vek Na'Nak" ( yes, the same ship from mission 8 ) - Ray wing ( 3 skyserpents, ? wings (STB) ) attacking convoy -- The convoy is nearer to the gate than the battlewagon. That's your chance now. -- The mission starts. You launch from the Raider battlewagon, having stolen 4 Zephyrs -- with your friends. The convoy is still there. doing nothing. No enemies there yet except -- the battlewagon. For you start directly near and have to dodge enemy fire instantly Spawn : We made it ! Ok, if we move quickly we can escape via the gate and take the convoy with us ! (24.1) Balrok : I just wish we could have had more time to find out where our t-bolts are kept. Now I'm flying with a stolen Raider-Zephyr. Just too great. How is your head doing Derek ? (24.2) Shadow : Oh, don't ask ! And flying around now is just the right thing for my stomach. Khalbenum, do you copy ? (24.3) Cambrandt : Uhmm.. Khalbenum here ? *the guy's still confused* (24.4) Shadow : It's us ! We are fighting off the battlewagon and its fighters, kickstart your engines and head for the jumpgate ! We'll all get the hell outa here ! (24.5) Cambrandt : Great maker ! You're alive ! Understood alpha wing ! hahaHAA ! (24.6) -- The convoy starts its engines and heads for the jumpgate . Dillenger : StarLaneFever to convoy ! Stand down at once or you'll be destroyed ! (24.7) Cambrandt : Convoy to StarlaneFever, suck my balls ! (24.8) Dillenger : You are not out yet ! Do you really think you can escape me ? (24.9) -- Phex wing launches from StarLaneFever. Spawn : I have fighters on my screen ! (24.10) -- When first one is destroyed Balrok : Bullseye ! One down. (24.11) -- When last of phex is destroyed : Shadow : Wasted! Before you get our T-bolts operational we'll be gone for a long time Dillenger ! And your Zephyrs are no match for us.(24.12) Dillenger : We'll see. (24.13) -- Now the battlewagon starts its Zephyrs. SKULL wing and BONE wing . check SETTING above -- for their objectives. HALE : Look out, people ! More of them incoming ! (24.14) Shadow : There are Zephyr fighters launching from his battlewagon, they are targeting the convoy and us ! (24.15) Balrok : I see them. We have to buy as much time as possible for the convoy ! (24.16) -- And now the Drazi sunhawk "Vek Na'Nak" jumps in behind but close to the battlewagon. -- The Skyserpents are launched. Shadow : A Drazi sunhawk has arrived ! We got some reinforcements ! (24.17) Spawn : Wait a second.... Oh shit ! It's the "Vek Na'Nak", the ship that escaped us in the battle with the Raiders shortly before the Civil War broke out ! Yeah, reinforcements, but not ours ! (24.18) Balrok : They have launched Skyserpents ! Balrok to Khalbenum and convoy, give everything you have to your engines ! (24.19) -- If a convoy ship gets detroyed : Shadow : One of the convoy ships is down ! (24.20) -- If a second ship gets destroyed: Shadow : We lost another convoy ship ! Damn it ! (24.21) -- If a third ship or the Khalbenum gets destroyed the mission is a failure : Shadow : Yet another convoy ship down ! Oh my god, what a slaughter ! Dillenger, you damned bastard ! (24.22) Dillenger : Well, what shall I say ? If you hadn't opposed me this would have never happened. (24.23) -- additional chatter during battle in general : timestamps are (STB) Shadow : Spawn, Balrok, take out the Zephyrs. Dan, let's go for these skyserpents ! (24.24) Spawn : Those skyserpents have a thick armor plating ! (24.25) -- If at any time the battlewagon takes too much damage it jumps out before you can destroy -- it. -- If convoy jumped out and at max 2 ships lost ( The Calbhenum must survive ) : Shadow : Alright, we are finished here ! Get to the gate and jump ! (24.26) -- The mission ends when you jump out. Debriefing : ----------------- none