EA Civil War campaign Mission 27 : Interception --------------------------- Briefing: ---------- Command Briefing: Sheridan : The firstones have left the galaxy. Now that the vorlons and the shadows have disappeared, we younger races are responsible for ourselves , each other and the future. President Clark, now without his shadow allies, looks for new ways to deal with the threat Babylon 5 poses to his position. The station is under Minbari protection and plays an important role, it's the place where the races of the galaxy meet. Unable to find a military solution any longer, Clark now tries to isolate us with a blockade and he tries to destroy our reputation back home with lies and propaganda. (b27.1) Mission Briefing: Shadow : *mumbling in background* Attention on Deck ! *mumbling stops, sound of feet stepping together. (b27.2) Ivanova : Before we start, may I introduce you to our new pilots. Lt.Cmdr Jones, Lt.Cmdr Hale, Lt.Boone and Lt. Davis. They come from the Alexander and have been with the EarthForce Resistance from the beginning on. And now, listen carefully, pilots, here's the situation. President Clark has started a campaign to shut down Babylon 5. As you might have heard, he has announced a complete blockade of the epsilon system and all civil vessels are forbidden to approach the station. Unfortunately, that's only the first step. A squadron of Starfury fighters from Sector 49 are to ensure the upkeep of the blockade at the local jumpgate. Sector 49 is the last waypoint for ships on their way to Babylon 5. We know that a squadron of BlackOmega starfuries is about to attack these blockade fighters. Afterwards Babylon 5 will be accused of brutal and pointless murdering, this will significantly decrease public opinion back home. (b27.3) Shadow : So, we will stand ready to ambush the ambush and to destroy these blackomega fighters as soon as they arrive. The problem is that we have to arrive at the right moment. If we come too late the BlackOmegas will fry the fighters from system patrol, if we come too early this could provoke system patrol to open fire upon us. Timing is everything. (b27.4) Ivanova : Therefore we have to monitor the hyperspace in the vicinity of sector 49. The BlackOmega fighters have limited stealth abilities. They are telepaths which means they will be able to feel the presence of sentient lifeforms nearby. We have to be careful. (b27.5) Spawn : If we have to stay at a distance, how can we confirm the identity of the Black- Omega squadron ? We have to know what's going on in normal space as well. If we wait for a distress call there's no chance we will be there in time. (b27.6) Ivanova : Thanks for your comment, Lieutenant. Lt.Cmdr Jones ? (b27.7) Shadow : To ensure a 24 hour upkeep of the Sector 49 jumpgate blockade the local garnison has established a rotating shift system. Every 2 hours 2 ships get reliefed. We will intercept the 2 fighters for the next shift and send two of you on an undercover mission. They will join the blockade forces and watch out for the BlackOmega squadron. As soon as it arrives they will call us in. (b27.8) Balrok : Who will be on that undercover mission ? (b27.9) Shadow : Lt.Commander Hale will lead this mission, he has more experience with BlackOmega starfuries than anyone else. Lt. Boone will be his wingman. (b27.10) Ivanova : The rest of you will be at my side, we will wait for Lt.Cmdr Hale's signal and jump to normal space. Together with system patrol we should be able to eliminate the BlackOmegas fast. (b27.11) Spawn : So, Danny , looks as if we are hitting the road again ! (b27.12) HALE : Yes. If we are discovered, they will try to blow us to hell long before the blackomegas arrive. That's why this is our job. We have at least a chance to survive against these odds. (b27.13) Ivanova : Dismissed. (b27.14) The Mission: ---------------- Setting: - Sector 49 jumpgate - Beta wing( 8 furies : you , Spawn(INV), Viper, Boomer(INV), Steel, Saber, Lee, Rocker ) - Black Omega Transport "Queen" - Omega wing ( 6 blackomega starfuries ) - alpha wing ( 6 thunderbolts : Ivanova as GRIFFIN(INV), Balrok(INV), 4 others. ) - EA fuel freighter "Santeri Pusa" - Crew shuttle "Proteus" -- Paul "Boomer" Lefler and Jack "Viper" Serapica will play a role in the story later when -- they defect. Viper was stationed on Babylon 5 before Sheridan came. -- You are with beta squadron, the Sector 49 blockade force. -- This is no big battle. It will be a quick strike. The real challenge will be to ensure -- not a single wingman from alpha squadron gets killed. And this can be done via calling -- for reinforcements at the right time. -- The mission starts. You arrive via jumpgate together with Spawn, rest of beta squadron -- is patrolling the area nearby. Boomer : Ah, the next shift's here. Welcome pals. Lee, Rocker, have a nice day. We'll meet at the bar in 3 hours. (27.1) -- Lee and Rocker jump out via the gate. Spawn : This is a private channel. Danny, remember, you are Lt. Jobe Dickens. Your Callsign is Hellhound. *pissed* And I am Lt. Sandra "Witch" Havel.... Yes ! Very funny ! Next time YOU can be the girl! *with artificial female voice* Uh ! Jobe, Darling, would you please be so kind to remove that fighter on my tail ? *normal voice* That's disreputable. Hope they don't force me in any kind to get on the Comm. (27.2) HALE : In that case we will use statics to distort the transmissions... No one will notice. Well, just stay focused, Frank. (27.3) -- after 20 secs. Boomer : In two hours my shift is over. Can't remember having ever done anything that boring. (27.4) Viper : Oh don't start over again, Boomer. You have been bothering us with that long enough. (27.5) Boomer : He, Viper, do you want those freaks from B5 to spread their sphere of influence over the whole EA territory ? I heard that they are responsible for last weeks explosion in the "Time Life" building. Babylon 5, the last best hope for peace. Pah, a terrorist breeding pool. (27.6) Viper : Strange. I was stationed on Babylon 5 about 3 years ago. I never met this Sheridan guy but I know the others from the command staff. They were quite reasonable persons. Well, except Lt.Cmdr Ivanova. We once had a party in the crew's quarters with some chicks and Ivanova stepped by. Well, afterwards she "argued" with us, that was quite unpleasant. (27.7) Boomer : *he laughs* Hahahahaha ! (27.8) Viper : Well, I couldn't laugh Boomer. When Ivanova was through with me I was close to becoming asexual. (27.9) Boomer : Haaaahaha ! Did you ever report this to EarthForce Intelligence ? "Commander Ivanova has bad social skills" ? (27.10) Viper : Actually, after Babylon 5 broke away they questioned every engineer , every crewman, and every toilet-shrubber who had done service on Babylon 5 and might have gotten in contact with the command staff. You think Babylon 5 is a breeding pool for terrorists ? Perhaps, but these nightwatch freaks are damned bastards. At first they were very polite but then, when they didn't hear as much as they expected they started to threaten me. (27.11) Boomer : Seems there's not even one thrustworthy person out there. I wish I was a narn, a centauri or a regellian sand flea. (27.12) Viper : I know you Boomer, you wouldn't want to be anything but a pilot. (27.13) Boomer : Well, I guess you'd be satisfied with everything as long as there are enough women around. (27.14) Viper : True true. (27.15) -- freighter Santeri Pusa enters the system via the jumpgate. Boomer : Freighter Santeri Pusa, this is a restricted area. Break off at once. (27.16) Boomer : Santeri Pusa, if you do not turn around we will be forced to disable your vessel. (27.17) -- Santeri Pusa turns around and jumps out. Boomer : The freighter has turned back. Perhaps we should install a road-sign on an asteroid. "No trespassing". Why the hell don't they just deactivate the epsilon system hyperspace beacon ? Then we wouldn't have to waste our time here. (27.18) Viper : Good point. I think having some furies on patrol is cheaper, and disabling the beacon would also limit our own possibilities. (27.19) -- After a while (STB) the shuttle PROTEUS jumps in. Viper : Jumpgate activated. (27.20) Boomer : Ah. Shuttle Proteus. We've been waiting for you. Set course for Vector 242.5 Clearance granted. (27.21) -- Proteus heads into direction of planet-bmp. Just continues on course and disappears from -- radar screen after a while. In the meantime the chatter continues . Boomer : Did you hear the latest about the crises on mars ? (27.22) Viper : No, man. All channels are still jammed. Or do you refer to the ISN reports ? Well, I wouldn't go so far to call that "news". The guys over at ISN are just as objective as religious fundamentalists. (27.23) Boomer : It's just .... Ice is from Mars and he was so quiet the last weeks. He says he is fine but I think he's concerned about his family there. I know he has made some investigations to find out what happened to them since the fighting broke out, sometimes I think it's better if he won't have any success (27.24) Viper : Well, he didn't eat much in the cantina over the last weeks. (27.25) -- PsiCorps transport enters the system. IFF code is neutral. Boomer : Earth Patrol to unidentified transports, if you are en route to Babylon 5 you must turn back or prepared to be boarded. Do you copy ? (27.26) -- BlackOmega starfuries attack. The were with transport, now they get visible on -- radar. Ivanova arrives with alpha squadron. Griffin : Alpha squad to EarthForce patrol, it's a trap, break off, break off!!! (27.27) Griffin : We have them boxed in, alphas 2 and 3 help take out the enemy furies, four and five you're with me! (27.28) -- (1) When last BlackOmega fighter is destroyed and every fighter from beta survived : Boomer : Damned people, you just saved our butts, where the hell do you come from? (27.29) Griffin: Babylon 5. (27.30) Boomer: Babylon 5? Aren't you supposed to be the bad guys here? (27.31) Griffin : Well, let's just say that the reports of our disloyalty have been greatly exaggerated... We hit their primaries, break away! (27.32) -- Psi-Corps transport explodes. Griffin : We are flying back to the station. Hale, Spawn, form up on my wing. (27.33) Spawn : Roger that commander. (27.34) Viper : What the.... hey ! Where are Hellhound and Witch ? (27.35) Spawn : Your real squad mates were intercepted by us so we could watch out for those blackomegas. Don't worry ! They are fine. We set them free already and they should arrive here at any minute. Besides, I am Frank Boone, call me Spawn. And that's my friend Dan Hale. (27.36) Viper : My Pleasure. Oh , and when you are back at the station, tell Garibaldi that he still has no idea of baseball. (27.37) Griffin : Wait a second, I know this voice... SERAPICA ?? (27.38) Viper : Uhmm... hello commander. (27.39) Griffin : Who did you bribe you are still allowed to sit in a cockpit ? In your mind there is no place for anything except naked women and alcohol. (27.40) Viper : Goodbye, commander. (27.41) -- mission ends when you jump out via gate. -- at the moment one fighter from Beta wing gets destroyed in the fight the ending is a -- different one : Griffin : All BlackOmegas destroyed , Beta wing has suffered losses. (27.42) Boomer : *outrageous* Damn it ! Where the hell are you from? (27.43) Griffin : Babylon 5. (27.44) -- your wing ( except spawn ) turns hostile. Boomer : You you wanna keep your resupply routes open, hmm ? Taste this ! Hellhound ! Witch ! What is it ? Change your IFF ! ... Jobe ? Sandra ? (27.45) Spawn : I am sorry, they are not here...but wait ! This is a ..... (27.46) Boomer : Aaarrrgh ! Murderers ! (27.47) Griffin : This is pointless, cease fire at once ! We were here to help you ! Lieutenant ! (27.48) -- Boomer stops being (INV) and rest of beta squadron fights to the death. When all of -- Beta squadron is destroyed ( except you and Spawn of course.. ) : Spawn : Oh my god.... We were supposed to rescue these men ! (27.49) Griffin : Damn it ! Back to the station. There's nothing we can do. We had no choice. The Captain will be shocked when we come back. (27.50) Debriefing : ( hold by Sheridan ) ------------------------------------ (1) if you saved alpha wing : Excellent work. You intercepted the BlackOmega squad and rescued the lifes of innocent EarthForce pilots. Commander Ivanova told me you all performed well out there. It hasn't been easy for Clark to explain all this. He said it was a terrible misunderstanding. However, this was our first step in kicking Clark out of EarthDome. (db27.1) (2) if things went bad : *outrageous* I can't believe this ! You were sent out to save these pilots ! They salvaged a flight recorder showing YOU shot the furies from system patrol, this is a blow we won't recover from ! You are removed from the pilot rooster. Dismissed. ( you have to fly again ) (db27.2)