EA Civil War campaign Mission 30 : The Face Of War Part 1 ------------------------------------ Briefing: ---------- Command Briefing: ( hold by Ivanova ) Captain César of the EAS Gattica has provided us with important information about recent EA operations. We can't do much about most of them, but we are in particular interested in a prisoner shipment. The prison ship is a modified freighter, over a hundred prisoners, mostly Resistance personnel and arrested EarthForce members are transported back to Earth for interrogation and detention, or even worse. We intend to capture that freighter and to free the prisoners. Most likely they can give us more details about the situation in the colonies. (b30.1) Mission Briefing: Corwin : Commander Ivanova is currently preparing the next "voice of the resistance" broadcast, so I am to brief you. The freighter is currently docked to the transfer point Dakota station. We assume that a light capital ship may provide escort. Maybe an Olympus Corvette and a squadron of starfuries. (b30.2) Shadow : What do we know about EA forces there, Lt. Corwin ? (b30.3) Corwin : We have monitored some Omega Destroyers passing through this sector, sir. I recommend you don't stay for too long. (b30.4) Spawn : Perhaps we can somehow shut down communications there. This could buy us some time for the operation. (b30.5) Shadow : Not a chance, buddy. Not in the few seconds they need to broadcast a distress signal. (b30.6) Balrok : Well , then back to plan A. (b30.7) Elven : So, I think we are gonna capture that freighter. (b30.8) Corwin : Yes. The Gattica will accompagny you on this mission. (b30.9) -- Next 3 comm events are mixed Spawn : Ohhhhhh ! ..... Interesting ! (b30.10) Balrok : ....Gattica ! ...... Now that's what I call "to defect" . Smart bastards ! (b30.11) Shadow : .................................. Shut up ! (b30.12) Corwin : The Gattica will deploy a breaching pod which will take control of the freighter. We will take the ship with us. This is Major Chuck Waters from the Gattica's marines commando. (b30.13) Waters : Howdy. (b30.14) Corwin : He will lead the boarding party. The Gattica will stay with you all the time to provide additional firepower. (b30.15) Waters : And I hope you kids cover my men's asses when we are out there. If they shoot our breaching pod I will come back as a wraith and rip your guts out. (b30.16) -- short pause Corwin : Uhm... well .. alpha wing will be Lt.Cmdr Hale, Lt.Cmdr Jones, Lt. Davis and Lt. Boone. 6 Badgers from Beta wing will form up at your side. We are operating in EA territory , so there won't be any reinforcements. (b30.17) HALE: That's no suprise for us, David. (b30.18) Corwin : Didn't think so, sir. So, alpha wing will clear enemy forces in the system, Gattica's marines will capture the freighter. Then you jump out at once. You will all come back via the Sirius - Ceti - Tau Ceti route. That's the shortest way. Any questions ? (b30.19) Balrok : What about the blockade ? How do we get into EA territory and how do we get OUT of it ? (b30.20) Waters : With a little luck the GATTICA is not yet designated as a resistance ship. We will slip through the bloackade at TAU CETI, there is Checkpoint Kilo. Cmdr Ivanova said that we have some friends there. The local starfighter squadron wants to defect as well, they will let us in, and they will join us when we get out. That's the plan, if nothing helps the Gattica still has some fat cannons. (b30.21) Shadow : Alright people ? Then let's go. (b30.22) Corwin : Good luck out there ! (b30.23) The Mission: ---------------- Setting: - Dakota system jumpgate - EAS Gattica ( Midwinter ) - alpha wing ( 4 thunderbolts ) - beta wing ( 6 badgers ) - SPEAR ( breaching pod ) - EA Orion ring station "Dakota station" - Lambda wing ( 3 starfuries , ? wings (STB)) - sigma wing (3 badgers , ? wings (STB)) - Kappa wing ( 3 thunderbolts , ? wings (STB)) - EA freighter "PRISON 26" - Olympus Corvette "SEOUL" - EA sat group "D.P.D." ( 2 G.O.D. sats , D.P.D. is short for "Dakota Perimeter Defense") -- The mission starts. The Dakota station is there, the freighter is docked to it or -- holding station near it. The jumpgate is at a distance ( I am writing this too often ). -- The Olympus is cruising near the station. Gattica and other wings are directly near you. -- All ships are still IFF friendly. -- hidden countdown starts. At its end the god sats will start firing upon the Gattica. Shadow : We have jumped ! Let me see... there is the freighter. And..... oh. The station is defended by GOD sats. They have some serious firepower here ! (30.1) Spawn : That's a little more opposition than we expected. Gattica, do we abort mission ? Why the hell do we have to run into GOD sats ? (30.2) Dakota : Dakota station to EAS Gattica. Please state the nature of your mission. (30.3) Gattica : This is the EAS Gattica. We are here to rendezvous with an EA Cotton tender for resupply. Requesting permission to dock. (30.4) Dakota : Roger, Gattica. Stand by. (30.5) Shadow : Shadow to all fighters. Alright, they are not stupid, sooner or later the'll notice we are no Eartgov forces. Till there don't make any suspicious move, but prepare to take out those GOD sats when fighting starts ! And Spawn, we won't leave here without the prisoners. (30.6) -- after a while Dakota : Dakota to EAS Gattica. We have no information about a planned resupply operation. Please send us your authentification. (30.7) -- Gattica doesnt hesitate and opens fire upon the weapon systems of the station. HALE : Alright, they noticed. Take out the GOD-sats ! Move it ! (30.8) Dakota : Mayday, mayday ! This is Dakota station, we are under attack ! All hands to battle stations ! (30.9) -- Enemy fighters join the fight. They launch from the station. However, in this mission -- the amount of enemy fighters is completely (STB) -- The GOD sats open fire upon the Gattica after a certain amount of time. Mission should -- be balanced the way so that Gattica gets destroyed if you don't move against the sats -- in time. The battle continues. The Olympus corvette is of no interest for this mission. -- I think it gets destroyed by Gattica or the fighters. Spawn : The station launches fighters ! t-bolts, furies, badgers .... whatever your heart could possibly desire. (30.10) HALE : I'm glad this makes you happy, but remember, as long as the sats are operative, they pose the greatest threat ! If they shoot the Gattica into peaces we are fucked up beyond all recognition ! (30.11) -- When sats are down : Shadow : Yes ! All GOD sats are destroyed. We've eliminated Dakota perimeter defense. (30.12) Spawn : Well, now that we have come so far it would be pure irony to get shot by a fighter now, right ? (30.13) -- When the god sats are down the Gattica should deploy breachin pod SPEAR soon. Note that -- the guns of the station may still pose a threat. I think the Gattica should deal with -- this very soon , if it hasn't done so already. As soon as SPEAR has launched : Shadow : The breaching pod is on its way ! Provide cover ! (30.14) Waters : Marine Commando to Gattica and fighter wings, we are on our way. Heading to dock with the freighter. God loves the infantry ! (30.15) Spawn : The grunts are nuts. I'm glad this guy is on my side, but I wouldn't like to sleep in the same room as he. (30.16) -- When SPEAR has docked with freighter Waters : Marine Commando here ! Docked and locked. We are seizing the freighter. Move it ! Move it, you scum-sucking space-rats ! Or should I kick your asses some more ? Group one there, second group there ! Fire in the hole ! *sounds of marines storming the freighter in the background* (30.17) -- From now on the breaching pod is no longer essential for the marines have disembarqued. -- after a while : Gattica : Gattica here. We are picking up hyperwave broadcasts from the station. We assume they are in contact with EA reinforcements closing in on our position. (30.18) Spawn : I was starting to getting bored anyway. (30.19) Waters : *heavy fighting noise in background* Waters here ! We have seized two third of the ship and are moving towards the main bridge. We have suffered light casualties. (30.20) Balrok : Well, let's buy them some more time. (30.21) -- After a while (STB) : Waters : Waters here ! The freighter is ours. We are powering up engines now. (30.22) Gattica : Excellent work, Major ! Gattica to all fighters, get ready to pull out. Take escort position near the freighter. (30.23) -- Freighter PRISON 26 heads for the jumpgate at top speed. The breaching pod flies back -- to the Gattica if it is not destroyed yet. Shadow : Roger, captain. Ah, the prison ship is on its way. Excellent. (30.24) Balrok : I am right at your side, shadow. (30.25) -- When last enemy fighter is destroyed ( this can as well happen earlier in the mission ): Spawn : All enemy fighters destroyed ! Looks as if we are clear. (30.26) Gattica : Outstanding ! Get into formation with us and the freighter ! (30.27) -- When PRISON 26 has jumped out via the gate HALE : We made it ! The prison ship is in hyperspace ! Let's get the hell outta here before their reinforcements arrive ! (30.28) -- Mission ends automatically or after you jumped , next mission is red alert mission. -- if Gattica gets destroyed at any time the mission cannot end properly : -- Shadow : Oh no ! We lost the Gattica ! I repeat, the Gattica is down ! (30.29) Debriefing : --------------------------------------- none , next is red alert