EA Civil War campaign Mission 31 : The Face Of War Part 2 ( In Hyperspace , red alert mission ) ------------------------------------ Briefing: ---------- Command Briefing: ( none ) Mission Briefing: ( none ) The Mission: ---------------- Setting: ( Hyperspace mission ) - EAS Gattica ( Midwinter ) - alpha wing ( 4 t-bolts : you , Shadow(INV), Balrok(INV), Spawn(INV)) - rest of Beta wing - Gamma wing ( 3 starfuries : Viper(INV), Boomer(INV) , 1 wingman ) - PRISON 26 ( EA freighter ) - won't be threatened in this mission - Rho wing ( 3 badgers , ? wings (STB)) - Psi wing ( 4 starfuries , ? wings (STB)) - Phi wing ( 4 tbolts, ? wings (STB)) - EAS Fornax ( Omega Destroyer ) - delta wing ( 4 thunderbolts (STB)) - EAS Schwarzkopf ( Nova Dreadnought ) - epsilon wing ( 4 starfuries (STB)) -- The mission starts, you are with the Gattica and the transport. Alpha and beta wing are -- also nearby. You all head for waypoint 1 , supposed to be at several kilometers. Well, -- the Gattica and the transport head there , you have no waypoint on your nav computer, -- so the player will surely stay close to the Gattica. Gattica : So far so good. Everything in place ? (31.1) Waters : Major Waters here. During the fighting we have lost 2 men and one is wounded. 11 enemy soldiers from security have been killed, and the other 7 are locked away now. The prisoners we freed are healthy and the ship is fully operational. (31.2) Spawn : I wanna get out of EA territory as soon as possible. Where do we fly now ? Tau Ceti or Altair ? (31.3) Gattica : We will slip through the blockade at Checkpoint Kilo in the Tau Ceti system. The local starfury garnison, designated gamma wing, will defect and come with us. (31.4) Balrok : Boomer and Viper! Hehe, I like the idea of those two being stationed on Babylon 5. I can't wait to witness their "encounter" with Ivanova. Hehehe... (31.5) Shadow : It's not guaranteed they will stay on the station. More likely they will get transferred to one of our capital ships. Initially... well.... yes they'll be on the station. Have you ever talked to the pilots from Zeta sqaudron ? They have a nice Ivanova-and-Viper story to tell. Just ask Viper how Mary is doing. (31.6) Spawn : Huh ? (31.7) -- Shadow starts to tell the story, he's amused all the time. Shadow : Mary Kern. She runs a small shop on the Zocalo. Alright, this happened a few months before Santiago got assassinated, when Sinclair was in command of B5. I think the station was preparing for President Santiagos visit. A bomb blew up a launch bay, they say it accidentally exploded when the terrorist was still around, but that's another story. (31.8) Shadow : However, the bay was instantly rendered inoperative. At that time Viper was supposed to be in his starfury on patrol. He wasn't, because he was with Mary in her quarters. He would have launched in a few minutes, which would have been sufficient to cover his absence , but with the launchbay disabled he was stuck on the station. When babylon control was giving orders to delta squadron they noticed one starfury was missing. (31.9) Shadow : At first they thought he got killed in the explosion, but then they quickly found out Viper simply had not launched yet. He came up with some story to explain, and he got away with a blue eye. He would have been out of this, but a few days later Mary asked Ivanova if SHE knew this cute pilot that asked her out for a date some days ago and has not called back yet. (31.10) Shadow : This happend a week Viper had night shifts, it was about 11am in the morning, and he was sleeping in his quarters. Tempered as she is, Ivanova just rushed into his room and started shouting. She took him by complete surprise, he was naked in his bed, and another naked woman at his side. Well, let me just say that after Ivanova was finished with him that other woman left too, not before having slammed her knee in his jewels. Viper was instantly taken off the flight rooster for 3 weeks. (31.11) Spawn : *amused* Oh yeah, that's some serious stuff, Shadow ! Hillarious ! I am sure Mary Kern treated him in a similar way when she met him the next time. (31.12) -- later Balrok : Uhm... Balrok here, I have radar echos ahead. (31.13) Gattica : Roger that. Alpha wing , investigate them ! (31.14) -- hostile radar echo ahead. You fly there Balrok : Looks as if Earthforce has fighters on patrol. I wonder if everything is alright at Tau Ceti.... Be cautious ! (31.15) -- as soon as you are in firing range the IFF turns friendly Shadow : Don't shoot ! It's gamma wing ! Boomer ! Viper ! What the hell are you doing here ? Weren't you supposed to wait for us at Tau Ceti ? (31.16) Boomer : I am afraid EarthForce has cut off our means of escape ! 2 Omega Destroyers came to reinforce the blockade and we were ordered to stand down ! Somehow they knew what we were up to. (31.17) HALE : Which means EarthForce also knows someone sneaked in and now they are trying to track us down. And they'll probably know you are with us. (31.18) Viper : I am afraid yes, Commander. (31.19) Boomer : So, here's the deal : They are systematically looking for us along the hyperspace beacons throughout the whole region. We have to move quickly now if we want to escape before they bring in more capital ships ! (31.20) Gattica : EAS Gattica here. There are still 2 possible beacons that lead out of EA territory. Checkpoint Kilo is blocked. We have uploaded new nav-data to your computers. Check the beacons if they are free. Set course for waypoint 1. We will follow you as fast as we can. (31.21) Shadow : Roger that, Gattica. Setting course. (31.22) -- Waypoint 1 appears at 20km (STB). On the way there, after some time : -- Radar echo appears right ahead Shadow : I have a reading ahead. Something's coming our way along the beacon. (31.23) -- The Omega Destroyer FORNAX comes into visual range. Your wing is attacked by 4 t-bolts -- from Delta wing. Balrok : Hostile Omega Destroyer ! Break off ! They have some t-bolts on escort ! Watch out ! (31.24) -- As soon as the tbolts are down waypoint 2 gets available , also quite at a distance. -- note that the omega destroyer holds position. Shadow : That was the last fighter. Alpha 2 to Gattica, hyperspace beacon 3419 is blocked by an Omega Destroyer. We are now checking waypoint 2. Let's move it people ! (31.25) Balrok : Roger Shadow. Hell, like in a goddamn greek tragedy. (31.26) Spawn : We aren't out of options yet. (31.27) -- at waypoint 2 you run into the Nova Dreadnought "Schwarzkopf" with its escort epsilon -- wing Shadow : Ah shit ! Gattica , we have a hostile Nova class Dreadnought at waypoint 2 ! Hostile Starfury escort! (31.28) -- As soon as epsilon wing is down : Spawn : Gotcha ! Now lets get out of here before that Nova shoots us to bits. (31.29) Balrok : We are trapped ! Now we are out of options. Looks like we won't leave EA space so soon. (31.30) Gattica : I'm afraid you're right Lieutenant. The situation has become much more complicated. We have to find a way to sneak through EA space and make our way to the minbari border. We could also... *sensor ping sound in background* Wait a sec.... (31.31) Gattica : *alarm sound in background* Alpha wing ! Get your asses back here immediately, we are under attack ! (31.32) -- Waypoint 3 gets activated , coordinates of Gattica. Shadow : Waypoint 3 locked in , hit the afterburners ! (31.33) -- When you are back near Gattica you see the following : The Gattica is fighting with -- a number of fighters : rho wing, Psi wing and Phi wing . Spawn : The Gattica is under attack by enemy fighters ! Damn, Earthgov is heavily patrolling the area! (31.34) Shadow : That, or they are on a search and destroy mission. (31.35) Shadow : Boomer, do you copy ? (31.36) Boomer : I am here, Alpha 2.(31.37) Shadow : Take Viper and hunt down those badgers, we'll take care of the furies. (31.38) Gattica : Gattica here. Listen up people, we have suffered heavy damage to the engines. They are still online but we have to shut them down for repairs before the whole energy grid gets toasted. We cannot shut them down here in hyperspace, we would start to drift away from the beacon. The next system ist Proxima. (31.39) Shadow : There are 3 jumpgates in the Proxima system. Proxima 2, Proxima 3 and the distant one at Proxima 6. The colony at Proxima 3 is under siege by Clark's forces for quite some time now, the place will be crowded with EarthGov troops. Why don't we jump to normal space right here with Gattica's jumpdrive ? We are far off the next system in normal space. (31.40) Gattica : As I told you the energy grid is higly unstable and the drives are damaged. Using our jumpdrive could blow us all to hell. I think we have no choice. All hands set course for Proxima 6 jumpgate coordinates. We'll take the gate to leave hyperspace. Fly there and jump. (31.41) -- waypoint 4 at lots of km (STB) Viper : Setting course for waypoint 4. If we survive this I'm becoming a farmer or a poet. (31.42) Shadow : Due to recent events I didn't make any plans for the case we survive this. (31.43) Viper : Thank you for that ray of sunshine, Shadow. Whatever you do, don't dare become a psychiatrist. (31.44) -- The mission ends after you flew there and jumped (STB) -- In case the Gattica gets destroyed Shadow : Oh no ! The Gattica is destroyed ! (31.45) -- after PRISON freighter destroyed : Shadow : They destroyed the prison ship ! God damnit ! (31.46) Spawn : Shit ! What do we do now ? (31.47) Shadow : Don't know. (31.49) -- Mission doesnt end. You have to quit and replay. Debriefing : ( hold by ) --------------------------------------- - none - next mission is red alert.