EA Civil War campaign Mission 36 : Liberation of Orion Part 1 ---------------------------------------- Briefing: ---------- Command Briefing: ( none ) Mission Briefing: Ryan : Gentlemen, may I introduce you to Anla'Shok Valhahn from the minbari warrior caste, in charge of command over the Rangers onboard the Alexander and one of the best pilots we have. (b36.1) Valhahn : Greetings, I am honored to make your acquaintance. (b36.2) Balrok : Pleasure to meet you. Lt. John Davis. Callsign is Balrok. (b36.3) Spawn : Yeah. Frank Boone, call me Spawn. (b36.4) Shadow : Derek Jones alias Shadow. (b36.5) HALE : Dan Hale. Nice to meet you, people. (b36.6) Valhahn : Yes I know. We have heared of your piloting skills. Did you know you guys already have a reputation amoung EARTHGOV pilots ? They call you the "PLAGUE PACK". (b36.7) Ryan : And this is Valhahn's deputy, Anla'Shok Mason. (b36.8) Mason : Good day. (b36.9) Shadow : You are human. Are you from one of the EA colonies ? Where are you from ? (b36.10) Mason : Yes. From Jericho, but originally my family came from Lisbon, Portugal. (b36.11) Ryan : Alright, let's get to business. We are on our way to the COOKE system. There the EA has a number of non-jump capable military vessels, in particular a considerable amount of starfuries. Our job will be to deactivate the local jumpgate so the fighter squadrons at Cooke cannot reinforce the EA defenders at Orion. (b36.12) Balrok : They shouldn't make any difference at all ? (b36.13) Ryan : Are you sure ? First of all we want to minimize enemy strength when we move against big colonies with lots of innocent inhabitants that may get caught in the crossfire. And second, we prefer to have lots of small encounters instead of few big ones. This makes it easier for EA ships to defect and to join our side. (b36.14) Tainor : We are already close to Cooke and we'll all jump together to normal space when you finish your patrol. We have traveled off the beacon, but now that we are preparing to jump the risk to get detected rises. So, we are checking our flanks to ensure we won't get ambushed from the side or from behind as soon as we are near the gate. Alpha wing will be the "Plague Pack", Valhahn and Mason will fly with Beta wing. (b36.15) Balrok : So, how do we disable the jumpgate ? (b36.16) Trainor : As soon as we are back in normal space at Cooke we will launch our shuttle Clinton with a top team of engineers. They will dock to the jumpgate and deactivate the jumpgate computer controls. (b36.17) HALE : I thought it takes days to shut down a jumpgate. (b36.18) Trainor : Yeah, we don't shut it down, we just disable computer access. (b36.19) Spawn : I still don't get the point. Can't we just blow up the computer system ? (b36.20) Trainor : We don't want to damage the gate, we just want to disable it temporarily. If we destroyed the gate we would permamently cut off the Cooke colony from the trade and supply routes. (b36.21) Spawn : So ? (b36.22) Trainor : So, we are doing it from inside. The engineers will board the main pylon to deactivate the computers. They will break though the seals and destroy the mainframe. It will take some time to replace them, by then we will have fortified our positions at Orion. (b36.23) Spawn : Engineers ? Not a marines operation ? (b36.24) Trainor : Breaking through the seals and disabling the computers as fast as possible is an engineer's job, not a soldier's. As I told you, raw force would rather blow up the entire jumpgate. (b36.25) Shadow : Okay then. Let's move out. We'll launch in a few minutes. (b36.26) The Mission: ---------------- Setting: ( in Hyperspace ) - EAS Alexander ( Omega Destroyer ) - alpha wing ( 4 thunderbolts : you , Shadow(INV), Balrok(INV), Spawn(INV) ) - beta wing ( 3 nials : Valhahn(INV), Mason(INV) , default ) - Kappa wing ( 4 Thunderbolts (STB), ? wings (STB)) - Theta wing ( 4 starfuries (STB) , ? wings (STB)) -- The mission starts. You and your wing are near Alexander. Waypoint 1 is set. HALE : Here we are, folks ! Setting course for waypoint 1. (36.1) Trainor : Roger that alpha. Beta wing has already departed and is checking our left flank. Good luck with your patrol ! (36.2) Balrok : Thank you Bill. Headin' out. Why aren't Boomer and Viper flying with us? (36.3) Spawn : I think they are with Gamma squadron at the moment. Ordinary patrol duty for the "Plague Pack". Hehe... Somehow I like that. Plague Pack. (36.4) Shadow : I had a small conversation with Mason back at the launch bay. What Valhahn forgot to mention was that Earthgov also set bounties on our heads. 20.000 credits on you Spawn. The same on Balrok and me and 35.000 credits for Danny's head. (36.5) Balrok : Incredible. Now they are also calling for bounty hunters to bring us down ? I hope Dillenger won't have another guest appearance in my life. (36.6) Spawn : I just figured out : 95.000 credits for us alltogether. (36.7) Balrok : Capitalism rules. If we were just freelancers roamiung around we might be in trouble, but we are part of the Resistance fleet. Capital ships like the Alexander backing us up should scare away Boba-Fett-Wannabes. (36.8) -- Then later.... at waypoint 1. Shadow : Alright, we are at waypoint 1. Alexander, do you copy ? (36.9) Trainor : Alexander here. Derek, go. (36.10) Shadow : Nothing so far, setting course for waypoint 2. Seems there are no bugs on the way to the jumpgate. (36.11) Trainor : Wait a second, we have an unidentified reading moving towards your position. Be on the lookout. (36.12) HALE : Probably an enemy patrol wing. Warm up your guns people. (36.13) -- after a while you encounter the 2 enemy fighter wings HALE : Contact ! Enemy fighters. Break and attack ! (36.14) Shadow : Fire at will ! (36.15) -- when last fighter is destroyed : Shadow : That was the last one. Alexander, we ran into an enemy patrol. They are history. (36.16) Trainor : Good work, Derek ! Proceed with mission. (36.17) -- when you reach waypoint 2 : Shadow : Alexander we have finished the patrol and are headin' for the jumpgate coordinates. (36.18) Trainor : Excellent. Alpha wing, we have an incoming transmission from Beta. I am relaying it to you. (36.19) Valhahn : *scrambled* ..... I repeat, this is Beta wing. We ran into an Olympus Corvette ! It managed to send a distress signal before we could destroy it. (36.20) Balrok : Ah shit, now they'll probably know we are coming. Do we abort mission ? (36.21) Trainor : Negative. This will only buy them a few seconds anyway. Alpha wing, hurry ! Meet us at the jumpgate coordinates ! We'll jump instantly when you arrive ! (36.22) Shadow : Roger that. You heared the man ! Full power to engines ! (36.23) HALE : Roger that, Shadow. Boy oh boy, what a haste ! (36.24) -- when you reach the jumpgate coordinates the Alexander and Beta wing are already there. -- Together you jump to normal space Debriefing : none, continue with next mission. ---------------------------------------