EA Civil War campaign Mission 38 : Gateway ---------------------------------- Briefing: ---------- Command Briefing: ( hold by ) Mission Briefing: Trainor : Have a seat, pilots ! (b38.1) Ryan : We have accomplished our mission objectives, and now we will look for a safe place to hide till our fleet catches up with us. (b38.2) Trainor : We will fly to the Barnard's Star system nearby. There is an old mining colony, it has been abandoned a while ago. the hyperspace beacon leading there is a dead end, so we will be on our own. Almost. (b38.3) Ryan : Earthforce is still running a station in the Barnard's Star system, close to a local asteroid field. The complete site is now a big junkyard. (b38.4) Spawn : Do we just fly in ? (b38.5) Ryan : Not directly. The Alexander will stay in hyperspace, close to the jumpgate coordinates. Alpha wing and Beta wing will fly cover for Cpt.Highway and his marines onboard the breaching pod VIRUS. The marines will take the station in a quick strike. When everything is in place the Alexander will follow up. (b38.6) Trainor : Beta wing will be Shadow, Balrok and Boomer. Alpha wing will be Anla'Shoks Valhahn and Mason... and Mr.Hale. (b38.7) Spawn : Excuse me, sir, does that mean this son of a bitch is allowed to fly a nial ? (b38.8) Trainor : We aren't expecting heavy resistance. Danny begged me to ask Anla'Shok Valhahn if he could make an exception to the Rangers-Only rule in this mission. (b38.9) Spawn : *excited, speaking fast* So, Can I, I mean, is it possible that I... (b38.10) Ryan : *interrupting him* Sorry,Lt. There are only 3 nials, and Mr. Hale was faster than you. (b38.11) HALE : *laughinggrumbling* Better luck next time, dude... (b38.12) Ryan : Here is the plan in detail. Alpha wing will jump to Barnard's Star, together with our crew shuttle SKYDANCER. The nials can hide from EA sensors, but if the jumpgate opens and they have nothing on their sensors, they will be alarmed, or at least extremely suspicious. So we give them something to deal with. (b38.13) Ryan : Crewhuttle SKYDANCER will hold position at the jumpgate and claim they have somehow lost orientation in hyperspace, flew in the wrong direction, whatever. System patrol will move in to investigate. Skydancer will follow any order it gets from system patrol. (b38.14) Ryan : All this just to buy time for alpha squadron to sneak past system patrol in stealth mode and to get into firing position close to Barnard's Star station. As soon as Beta wing shows up with the breaching pod, Alpha wing will INSTANTLY destroy the stations communication subsystem to prevent them from calling for help. Then alpha wing will assist Beta in taking down the enemy fighters and escorting the breaching pod to the station. (b38.15) Trainor : Franky, you and Viper will fly the shuttle Skydancer. (b38.16) Spawn : WHAT ??? Dan is allowed to fly a nial and you condem me to be a sitting duck out there ? Why ? (b38.17) Shadow : I spoke on your behalf, Spawn. You and Viper are the greatest maniacs around here, I am sure you'll do a great job keeping system patrol busy with chatter. (b38.18) Spawn : *ironically* Thats just too great. (b38.19) Valhahn : We start in 10 minutes, get ready, people. (b38.20) The Mission: ---------------- Setting: - Barnard's Star jumpgate - Barnard's Star Hidden Jumpgate in Asteroid field - Barnards star station somewhere between. - Kappa wing ( 6 starfuries on patrol ) - Alpha wing ( 3 nials : you, Valhahn(INV), Mason(INV) ) - Beta wing ( 3 thunderbolts : Shadow(INV), Balrok(INV), Boomer(INV) ) - breaching pod "VIRUS" - AtmShuttle Skydancer ( Spawn and Viper are piloting it ) - EAS Baggins ( EA freighter ) - Phi wing ( 6 thunderbolts , limitless waves ) - Iota wing ( 6 blackomega thunderbolts , limitless waves ) - Omega wing ( 6 blackomega starfuries , limitless waves ) - EAS Alexander ( Omega Destroyer ) -- The mission starts. Alpha wing at the jumpgate. together with the shuttle. System -- patrol Kappa wing is near station. Everything is IFF friendly. Valhahn : Alright, lets stay away from system patrol and get in position near the station ! (38.1) Kappa 1 : This is Kappa 1 from system patrol to Shuttle Skydancer, do you copy ? (38.2) -- Whenever SKYDANCER is referenced Spawn's and Vipers Voiceacting is mixed to make up -- ONE WAV file and this way ONE CommEVent. So. for example : (38.3) and (38.4) are -- mixed together and will form a new (38.3) , as we did it before. -- Spawn and Viper are chatting like crazy, one starts even before the other one has -- finished his sentence and they both speak fast and as if they were drugged. Skydancer : Spawn : We hear you system patrol, how's the going ? (38.3) Viper : Uhm..Shuttle Skydancer here ! Do you wanna make some purchases ? We are on the way to Sirius to sell some stuff. (38.4) Kappa 1 : This area is restricted. What are you doing here ? (38.5) Skydancer : Spawn : Restricted ? Huuuh ? Ah, come on you are joking me, aren't you ? (38.6) Viper : Of COURSE he is, Beavis, do you think they'll close the trade routes from one day to the other with all the money that's in ? (38.7) Spawn : Don't you listen the man ? Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, you known Mom always told us to listen carefully when other people are speaking. (38.8) Viper : Yeah yeah yeaaaaah, but can't really believe trespassing tradelines is suddenly restricted ! (38.9) Spawn : Are you crazy, heeeh, HEEEH ! Kappa 1, do you hear that ? Do your hear that, he thinks I am a wanker ! (38.10) Viper : Heee, wait a sec, I didn't call you that ! (38.11) Spawn : Yes you did............yes you did !..........YES YOU DIIIIIID ! (38.12) Viper : .........No, I didn't ! ............No I didn't ! .......NOOOOOOO! (38.13) Kappa 1 : *interruping them, they both go suddenly silent* HEEEEY ! ! (38.14) -- nothing for 4 secs... Spawn : Hell, why are you screaming ! You nearly scared me to death ! I will talk to your commanding officer and he'll let you clean your starfury with a toothbrush when you are back ! (38.15) -- Kappa squad begins to move towards the jumpgate Kappa 1 : Now its enough, Skydancer, stop your engines and stand down, we will scan your cargo hold. (38.16) Viper : Done. But hey, Mr. Starfury pilot, please hurry, my uncle will eat me for lunch if I don't arrive in time. By the way, what happened here ? I don't remember Beta Durani having an asteroid field ! (38.17) Kappa 1 : *annoyed* This is the Barnard's Star mining colony. (38.18) Skydancer : Spawn : Barnard's Star ? Buzz, I told you we are on the wrong hyperspace beacon ! Hell, a piece of bread is at least able to mould, but you aren't able to do ANYTHING properly ! (38.19) Viper : Beavis you old goat, is this all you can come up with ? Blaming ME for having taken the wrong beacon ? If you weren't my brother I'd throw you our of the ship instantly ! (38.20) SPawn : WHAT ? WHAAAAAT ??? WHO was it who kept saying *now stupid voice* "You can trust my nose, man !" *normal voice again* DAMN, you are an idiot ! (38.21) Viper : You worthless piece of shit, I do at least TRY to navigate trough hyperspace, if you were alone you woulnd'd have even an idea of where to FIND hyperspaceat at all ! (38.22) Kappa 1 : Oh boy. Shuttle Skydancer, is it necessary to discuss your private problems over stellarcom ? Cut the channel and keep quiet, .... DAMN IT !!! (38.23) -- no chatter, no commevents till Beta wing arrives with the breaching pod : -- the breaching pod will not enter the stations weapon range till the player destroyed -- the stations weapons. Valhahn : Jumpgate activated ! Destroy the stations comm systems ! (38.24) Kappa 1 : Watch out ! Enemy furies incoming ! (38.25) Shadow : We are here ! Danny , black'em out ! (38.26) -- when last enemy fury from Kappa wing is down : Spawn : You did it ! Kappa wing is down. So I think we can stop the Buzz'n'Beavis show. Jesus, my nerves.... (38.27) -- when stations Commsystems are destroyed : Shadow : Excellent, their communications are down ! (38.28) -- when stations weapons are destroyed : Balrok : Barnard's Star station's weapons are disabled, breaching pod Virus is going in. Well, I think we did it. Now it is up to the marines. (38.29) -- when station is conquered it turns IFF friendly, Shadow : Well done everyone. Alexander, area is secure. (38.30) Trainor : Hold it ! We just picked up a signal. Looks as if a freighter is coming along the beacon, heading for Barnard's Star. Alpha wing, go back to stealth mode and beta, you pretend to be system patrol. Let's see what they want. (38.31) Boomer : Perhaps a resupply vessel ? Too bad they have to show up right now. Well, we just capture it in case they make any trouble. (38.32) -- after a while freighter baggins jumps in and heads for hidden gate in asteroids. Baggins : Freighter Baggins to Checkpoint Barnard, we are right on schedule. Have a nice day. (38.33) -- after a while (STB) Valhahn : Valhahn here. The freighter is not flying towards the station. It heads for the asteroid field. Strange. (38.34) Mason : An energy reading just showed up in the asteroid field. (38.35) Shadow : Danny, follow the freighter and see where it's going. But carefully, don't get noticed. Ah, alright, you are back on stealth mode. (38.36) -- In fact the freighter will just ignore you unless you directly fire at it. -- when you are close enough to the hidden jumpgate HALE : Incredible, there is a second jumpgate in the asteroid field ! (38.37) -- After the freighter jumped out Shadow : Dan, take a look and fly closer. (38.38) -- when you are close to the jumpgate (STB) HALE : I have the scanning data. The jumpgate is active, but I can't see a hyperspace beacon. (38.39) -- Later Valhahn : Alexander, have you analyzed the scanning data yet ? (38.40) Trainor : A minute, Mr.Valhahn. All units, stand by. We are coming in. (38.41) -- Alexander jumps in via "official" jumpgate Shadow : Alexander has arrived. Well, mission accomplished, but looks as if this is not the dead end we supposed it to be. (38.42) Boomer : So what ? Alexander, are we clear to land ? (38.43) Trainor : Beta squad, you are clear to land, Alpha squad, please wait. (38.44) -- Beta squad returns to Alexander -- After a while Ryan : Commander, we have analysed the sensor data. There is a masked hyperspace beacon that leads to somewhere in the direction of Sol. We have uploaded the information to your navcomputer. Mr.Hale, jump at the hidden gate and follow the beacon till you catch up with the freighter. We will stay in radio contact. As soon as the freighter emerges from hyperspace you just follow. (38.45) Valhahn : Good luck, Mr.Hale. Mason, back to Alexander. (38.46) -- Valhahn and Mason return to Alexander , mission ends as soon as you jump out. -- If you fail to disable the stations communication system in recent time you are attacked -- by waves of enemy fighter coming to the jumpgate, till you are dead. ( Phi Iota Omega ) -- in this case you also hear a number of CommAnims : Valhahn : We failed ! The station sent a distress signal ! Earthgov will be all over the place in no time ! (38.47) Boomer : Oh shit ! Enemy fighters are coming through the gate ! (38.48) Spawn : And I am still sitting in this stupid shuttle ! (38.49) Debriefing : none, next mission is red alert. ---------------------------------------