EA Civil War campaign Mission 43 : Endgame ---------------------------------- Briefing: ---------- Command Briefing: (1) Onboard the Alexander. Ryan : Welcome back on the Alexander, I hope you enjoyed your stay on the Agamemnon! (b43.1) Shadow : Yes, had been quite inspiring. So, what are we up to ? (b43.2) Ryan : As you know, Clark's forces were disabled in MARS orbit, and now we are heading for EARTH itself. We are in formation with the fleet, and we will drop out of hyperspace soon. When we arrive, you will just launch and fly escort. (b43.3) Shadow : Is it over ? (b43.4) Ryan : No one can exactly tell what will happen when we are there, you will be briefed in your cockpits. Eventually everything will be fine, but it's likely we will have to fight Earth's last line of defense, the GODSAT platforms. Until they can be shut down in Earthdome. (b43.5) Spawn : We are fighting them altogether ? (b43.6) Ryan : Captain Sheridan doesn't want Minbari or League ships in the first wave. This is OUR fight. We are returning to Earth, hopefully the whitestars and the League ships don't even have to show up. The last round is supposed to be fought out by us alone. Earth has to be taken back by us humans. The League will be there, but behind us. (b43.7) Shadow : Somehow I feel strange. I don't know, as if I am afraid not to be welcome. (b43.8) Ryan : We are all feeling the same. There will be a lot of shame that has to be overcome. Shame for having turned against the own goverment in their eyes, shame for not having opposed a dictatorship in our eyes, well. You know. Things will be difficult in the future, and I think the legacy of the Civil War will live on for quite a while. But that's not our problem by now. Get to your fighters, and good luck. (b43.9) (2) Earth Orbit. Sheridan : This is Captain John Sheridan. We are here on the authority of a multi-planetory force that can no longer stand by and watch one of their greatest allies falling into darkness and despair. We are here on behalf of the thousands of civilians murdered under orders from the current administration who have no one else to speak for them. And on behalf of the Earthforce units that have joined us to oppose the tyranny that has darkened Earth ever since President Santiago was assassinated three years ago. We are here to place President Clark under arrest, to disspend Nightwatch and return our government to the hands of her people. We know that many in the government have wanted to act but have been intimidated by threats of retaliation against your families, your friends. You are not alone anymore! We call upon you to rise up and do what's right. We have drawn their forces away from Earth and disabled them. The time to act is now! This is not the voice of treason. These are your sons, your daughters whose loyalties have never wavered, whose beliefs in this alliance has forced us to take extraordinary means for justice, for peace, for the future! We have come home! (b43.9) Mission briefing : (none) The Mission: ---------------- Setting: - Earth skybox - Earth jumpgate "Sector12" - Sector 12 Orion class starbase - lots of EA civil ships - EAS Alexander ( Omega Destroyer ) - alpha wing ( 3 nials ( you, Valhahn(INV), Mason (INV) ) ) - Beta wing ( 4 thunderbolts : Shadow(INV), Spawn(INV), Boomer(INV), Viper(INV) ) - EAS AGAMEMNON ( Omega Destroyer ) - MF RALAFI ( Sharlin cruiser ) - CRS CENTAURUS ( Centauri Primus ) - NRS BORTAK ( Narn G'Quan ) - EAS APOLLO ( Omega Destroyer ) - more ships of Sheridans fleet ( Vesta, Nemesis, League ships ) - GOD-Sat group "Perimeter defense" ( number of sats (STB) ) in low orbit - GOD-Sats "North-America" ( Sats 1,2,3,4,5,6 ) in even lower orbit - God-Sats North-America 7- ?? ( filler sats ) -- The mission starts. You are in low Earth orbit, the Alexander is directly behind you. -- Other EA capital ships of resistance fleet ( Vesta , Nemesis, Agamemnon ) are also there. -- Behind them other ships ( Minbari, League etc... ) -- In front of you, slightly lower altitude, so that visible against Earth in the background, -- you see the silhouettes of the GOD-sats from PERIMETER DEFENSE. -- Far lower, in direction of Earth itself, and still at a distance is Sat-Group -- "NORTH AMERICA": -- Sat 3 is nearest, then sats 2, 5, 4, 1 and 6. Shouldn't be too obvoious in a line. -- EAS Agamemnon should be taking course for sat 6. The jumpgate, the station and the civil -- liners are just for decoration. (STB) -- -- Designer notes : -- The mission should be following this plan : -- At first, you fight the sats from perimeter defense to prevent damage done against -- The ships that have jumped in. Prevent Alexander from getting creamed... -- then, when PERIMETER DEFENSE is down, you have a short moment to catch a breath. -- Red alert , you have to destroy all GOD-Sats from North Amerika. -- Alexander will head for GOD-Sat 3 and kill it on its own. As soon as you are close to -- GOD-Sat 2, the CENTAURUS will jump in to destroy the sat. As soon as you are close to -- SAT 5, the BORTAK will jump in and fire upon it. But the ship won't be able to destroy it -- entirely before being destroyed itself, you have to stay inside firing range to help -- killing the SAT. The idea is that this sat may escape the player when he relies on the -- capital ships to do the job. When you are close to sat 4, the Sharlin will jump in and -- destroy it. When you approach Sat 1, It will be firing at the AGAMEMNON. -- If you manage to destroy GOD-Sat 1 in time, ( which means God-Sats 1,2,3,4,5 destroyed ) -- the EAS Apollo will jump in and help to destroy the last GOD sat, number 6. If there are -- still sats operative, no Apollo arrives, and the Agamemnon will be shot in peaces, -- or gets destroyed while ramming the last sat. -- -- Even more notes : -- Actually, I don't have any idea how this mission "feels", so I think the mission designer -- shall have GREAT freedom on this one. Perhaps making the sats entire sat groups, adding -- more Firepower here and there, removing some... I don't know. I think we should do a raw -- version of this mission and discuss it afterwards in BETA TESTING. -- The Sats 7 and above are filler sats. For giving other EA ships something to FIRE upon, -- and to keep the HONORIUS and the RALAFI busy after they did their part. Of course... these -- other sats should explode about the time the AGAMEMNON is making its final move against -- GOD-Sat 6. -- -- WHen designing the mission, the player shouldnt have the opportunity to bypass the -- timing problem. For instance, it shouldn't be possible to destroy or damage sats from -- NORTH AMERICA while PERIMETER DEFENSE is not down yet, or to be more precise, before you -- get the message from Earthdome regarding "SCORCHED EARTH". Trainor : Launch cycle complete! Alpha and beta wings are free. Command to all fighters, stay close to the Alexander. (43.1) Boomer : Look at that ! Home ! Damn, what a beautiful planet ! (43.2) Spawn : Yeah. I wished Geezer and Balrok could see that. (43.3) Viper : He, Spawn, who is Geezer? This friend of yours killed at KOTOK ? (43.4) Shadow : Yeah, but Danny knew him far longer than we did. Be on the lookout! The defense grid will most probably open fire soon ! (43.5) -- GODSAT group "Perimeter defense" turns hostile and opens fire Trainor : Command to all fighters ! Destroy the GODSATS from PERIMETER DEFENSE and intercept the warheads fired upon our capital ships ! (43.6) HALE : We are on it ! (43.7) Shadow : Returning to Earth, and being fired upon! I hate it the way it is! (43.8) -- when first GODSAT from PERIMETER DEFENSE is down : Shadow : Defense platform destroyed ! Keep it up ! (43.9) -- when last GODSAT from PERIMETER DEFENSE is down : SPawn : We have eliminated all platforms from PERIMETER DEFENSE ! (43.10) -- If ALexanders Hull condition at 50% : -- Trainor : We are taking heavy fire ! Alpha squad, you got to take out the sats! (43.11) -- If ALexander destroyed : -- Shadow : Oh noooo! The Alexander has been destroyed ! Alexander is down ! (43.12) -- Spawn : God damnit ! (43.13) -- after some time (STB), if Alexander is still alive : Trainor : Red Alert ! Red Alert ! Command to all fighters, listen up ! We have another problem ! The Agamemnon has relayed a transmission from Earthdome to the fleet. The GOD-Sats have been reprogrammed to fire upon the surface ! (43.14) HALE : What the hell... What's going on down there ? (43.15) Trainor : President Clark is dead, but it looks as the sats are executing his final order! They cannot be shut down, you have to destroy all defense sats as fast as possible, before they annihilate the surface of Earth! Weapons free, fire at will! Target all sats from group "North America"! (43.16) -- As soon as you target sat 3 : Trainor : Alpha wing, leave sat 3 to us, catch the next one, number 2 ! Mayday, mayday, Earth Alliance destroyer Alexander to any ship in range, calling in for assistance ! (43.17) CENTAURUS : Centauri Battleship CENTAURUS reporting. We are almost there... preparing injection... (43.18) RALAFI : Minbari cruiser RALAFI reporting. We are coming in on your signal. E.T.A.: 2 minutes. (43.19) HALE : Alpha squad, go to comm channel 13. And move it! We got to take out those sats! (43.20) Viper : No shit! Alpha wing, you are faster than we are, don't wait for us ! (43.21) -- GOD-SAT 2 will defend itself when you are in firing range, evasive action should be -- sufficient. When you are close, or when the sat is taking damage, the HONORIUS jumps in -- in your view, and opens fire upon the GOD-Sat. Boomer : WOW ! This one is a tough cookie ! Watch out, its firing ! (43.22) Viper : Stay sharp ! If you are fired upon, break and let someone else do the job ! (43.23) -- The Agamemnon is supposed to destroy a filler sat on its way to GODSAT 6. When the -- Agamemnon is taking damage from GodSat 1 : Valhahn : The Agamemnon is taking damage ! Captain ! (43.124) Spawn : We have to help !!! (43.25) -- at appropriate timestamp, Agamemnons weapons destroy, and : Mason : The Agamemnon is accelerating to ramming speed, heading towards sat 6 ! (43.26) Trainor : Sensors show this God-Sat is targeting North-America with its beam weapons ! My god, Agamemnon is disarmed... Damn it! No one else in firing range ? (43.27) RALAFI : Sorry, Commander, we are too far away. (43.28) -- If Agamemnon gets desroyed : -- Shadow : My god ! The Agamemnon is down ! Captain ! (43.29) -- Spawn : Oh no ! (43.30) -- When Godsats 1,2,3,4 and 5 destroyed : -- Shadow : Only 1 GOD-sat left ! (43.31) -- EAS Apollo jumping out of hyperspace , destroying GOD-SAT 6 with a few shots : APOLLO : Apollo to Agamennon, we've monitored the situation, hold on to your hats! (43.32) -- After GOD-SAT 6 destroyed : APOLLO : Sorry for the delay captain, but we had some trouble on Mars. You might have heard something about it. (43.33) AGAMEMNON : Well, my apologies, General. We're only doing our jobs. (43.34) APOLLO : Though you'll have to stand before a board of inquery on this one, Sheridan, still... Welcome home, John, welcome home. (43.35) -- short pause Trainor : Well done people! Well done ! All fighters, back to base. Very well done! (43.36) Boomer : Yeah ! We did it ! (43.37) Viper : Man, look at the Agamemnon ! It's a wonder this thing is still in one piece! (43.38) Spawn : We did it ! Wooohhaaaaaa !!! (43.39) -- mission accomplished music. Debriefing : ( held by Trainor ) --------------------------------------- Well done, Dan ! But don't get too relaxed, there is another assignment for you, report to the bridge in 2 minutes! (db43.1)