EA Civil War campaign Mission 44 : Payback Time I ( Goblin's end ) ---------------------------------- Briefing: ---------- Command Briefing: ( hold by ) Mission Briefing: Trainor : Danny, we have a special assignment for you. We have learned, that some of Clark's accomplices are trying to bribe their way out. One of them, Senator Morgenstern, is the most wanted. (b44.1) Trainor : The senator is meeting with with a smuggler contact somewhere in the Sol system, in exchange for a nominal fee he will be taken out of EA territory. Then he will never show up again. Luckily, we have been called by one of this contact's men. He is ready to sell us information regarding Senator Morgenstern's whereabout. Our informer is very shy, he wants to meet with a representative where nobody else is around. Just meet him and listen to what he has to say. (b44.2) Trainor : Shadow is not on the Alexander, he is visiting his father. So we are sending you. Get to your t-bolt and meet your contact at Saturn's moon TELESTO, an abandoned weapon's testing range of the Earth Alliance. You are leaving at once. There are more clues, but this is our best so far. Watch your back and good luck ! In case you run into any trouble you shouldn't have problems to escape. Good luck. (b44.3) The Mission: ---------------- Setting: -- TELESTO jumpgate -- alpha 1 ( 1 thunderbolt , you ) -- local asteroid field, strange, dark and remote environment -- STARLANE FEVER ( Raider battlewagon ) -- SHU JURIS ( EA crew shuttle ) (INV) at first -- PSI wing ( blackomega starfuries, ??? crafts , ??? wings ) (STB) -- OMEGA 1 ( blackomega thunderbolt , GOBLIN ) -- The mission starts. You arrive at the jumpgate. You see the STARLANE FEVER at a very long -- distance ahead (STB), the crew shuttle JURIS also far ahead in front of you, heading -- towards the battlewagon. 2 blackomegas escorting... staying in formation -- Your objectives are to disable the shuttle and to defeat PSI wing and Goblin. -- after a short while... Dillenger : There he is. Right on schedule. Mr.Hale, Sorry for this little surprise, as you might have guessed... this was all about getting you here. (44.1) HALE : I am honored. Wouldn't you feel safer if I wasn't around ? (44.2) JURIS : Mr.Hale ! I am senator Morgenstern. I curse the day you were born! It is so nice of you showing up, since you were cordially invited. An old friend of yours wants to say hello. (44.3) Goblin : Hey ! Danny, old pal ! Do you remember me ? It's me, Goblin ! What a pleasant surprise to run into you like this. Besides, I was worrying you might have forgotten me. You didn't write, didn't call.... (44.4) HALE : You really mean it, hmm ? Well, I think I better go fetch some reinforcements. See ya later, guys ! I'll be back, and then I will kick some asses, mostly yours, GOBLIN !! (44.5) Goblin : *laughs* (44.6) Computer : Jumpgate activation protocols are unavailable. (44.7) HALE : What the hell ?!?!?!?! (44.8) Goblin : You are going nowhere, you see ? I have a talent for isolating pilots from alpha wing. Speaking of it..., do you remember the day Geezer died ? We two were on forward patrol at Kotok, and you were standing ready in hyperspace, together with the Alexander, waiting for our call. (44.9) Goblin : Now, before I blow your butt out of the stars, do you want to know what happened between Geezer and me when we were alone ? (44.10) Goblin : Actually, I fired upon his fury and destroyed some of his maneuvering thrusters. His ship was mostly out of control. Just the way I wanted it. I have to admit, he was sort of pissed. Hehe, and he wanted an explanation. (44.11) Goblin : I gave it to him, and I offered him an easy way out of this. I told him to eject, and to take himself out of the game. I told him that after the battle he would be taken prisoner, and that there is no need to become a martyr. (44.12) Goblin : You see the irony? Regarding the fact YOUR side surprisingly won the battle, he would have been picked up by the Alexander's Search-And-Rescue team, which means he could still be alive and well. (44.13) Goblin : But this stubborn son of a bitch didn't bail out. He decided to go for the martyr-thingy and bombarded me with poorly aimed shots and nasty swear words. (44.14) Goblin : I had no diffculty to blast him out of the stars, but hey ! He asked for it ! Just for the record : He was a complete lunatic. (44.15) HALE : Just for the record, I'll spare you the swear words when I fry your ass in few moments. (44.16) JURIS : Well. Ok... back to OUR business. For you, of course, there will be no S'n'R team. (44.17) JURIS : You will be dead, and I will enjoy my new life somewhere in League space, and every day I will laugh at the memory of a filthy little pilot who dared to challenge Earthgov ! (44.18) HALE : You like to hear your won voice, right ? With Dillenger you are in good company, he is just as rotten as you are. (44.19) Dillenger : Senator, there is a change in plans. I am not taking you with me. Happy hunting, Mr.Hale ! I have great faith in your combat skills. (44.20) -- Dillenger in his STARLANE FEVER jumps out. JURIS : *Screaming* What ? What the... YOU SON OF BITCH ! YOU FILTHY LITTLE.... COME BACK !!! (44.21) JURIS : DAMN YOU, DILLENGER !!!! (44.22) JURIS : What are you waiting for, Perryman ? Kill him and take me to the jumpgate !!! We have to think of something else now ! (44.23) Goblin : PSI squad ! What are you waiting for ? Take him out ! (44.24) -- Eventually 44b mission ? So that chatter doesnt has to be relistened to always... -- Actually there are only a few wings of blackomegas ( though they seem to appear out of -- nowhere ), and Morgenstern has absolutely no chance to escape through the jumpgate, he is -- way too far from it and his ship too slow. -- Note : This is the LAST fighting event in the Civil War campaign ! It all started with -- blackomegas. It ends with blackomegas. And it shouldn't be too easy. Goblin : C'mon, Danny ! Let's dance !!! (44.25) -- A wings of blackomega starfuries appear near the shuttle. (STB) After 2 or 3, OMEGA 1 -- appears. He is invisible on radar. During the fight : HALE : Looks as if Dillenger left you all to die. (44.26) Goblin : You are outnumbered, Danny ! Do you really thing you can win against us ? (44.27) HALE : I have disposed your kind before. (44.28) Goblin : Ah ! The BlackOmega backup team at Io ! You killed friends of mine when you and Geezer escaped that trap ! I have evened the score, but it's time for you to die now ! (44.29) HALE : *bored* Computer, ignore all incoming messages from Omega 1. (44.30) Juris : Hale ! I will find your family on Earth, and I will.... (44.31) HALE : *bored* Computer, ignore all incoming messages from within the system. (44.32) -- When Goblin dies : Goblin : Dannyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaargh ! (44.33) JURIS : DAMN YOU, HALE ! You won't get me alive ! AAAaaaargh !!! (44.34) -- Shuttle JURIS self-detonates... Computer : Shuttle Juris selfdestructed. (44.35) HALE : Unbelievable ! But I did it ! Computer, run diagnostics on the jumpgate activation protocols. (44.36) omputer : The jumpgate activation sequence is unaccessible due to an unknown software error. (44.37) HALE : Does that mean I have to float around until someone comes looking for me ??? (44.38) Computer : The jumpgate activation sequence is unaccessible due to an unknown software error. (44.39) HALE : Great. (44.40) -- After a while Computer : Downloading file. (44.41) HALE : What the .... (44.42) Computer : Jumpgate access protocols are reinstalled. A one, a two, a one..two three four.. *Computer starts playback of rocknroll music.... (44.43) HALE : Huh ??? *Breaths and slightly laughs in desbelief* WHAT THE HELL ??? I'll better jump before my system totally freaks out !!!! (44.44) -- mission ends when jumping out via gate. Debriefing : ( none - next is red alert ) ---------------------------------------