EA Civil War campaign Mission 45 : Payback Time II ( Dillenger's farewell ) ------------------------------------------------------ Briefing: ---------- Command Briefing: ( none ) Mission Briefing: ( none ) The Mission: ---------------- Setting: ( in hyperspace ) - EARTH beacon navbuoy - alpha 1 ( thunderbolt , you ) - Hard Rock 1 ( thunderbolt with Dillenger (INV)) , - STARLANE FEVER ( Raider battlewagon ) -- The mission starts. You are somewhere in hyperspace and on your way to the EARTH -- hyperspace beacon. -- After some time ( STB ) Computer : LONG RANGE COMMUNICATIONS OFFLINE. (45.1) -- After some time ( STB ) the STALANEFEVER jumps in, preferably in front of the player. Dillenger : Good day, Mr.Hale. (45.2) HALE : Dillenger. I have to admit you are always good for a surprise. (45.3) Dillenger : Thank you ! I see you are preparing for battle, no need to be alarmed. Wait a second, let me help you to relax a bit. ( computer processing sound in background ) (45.4) -- Your flight controls are disabled. Computer : FLIGHT CONTROLS OFFLINE. WEAPONS OFFLINE. (45.5) HALE : Damn ! .... Wait a second. Jumpgate access unavailable, jumpgate access reinstalled, Elvis Presley music, now I understand. How did you do that ? (45.6) -- cutscene begins, Dillenger launches in his thunderbolt, flying around. Dillenger : Well, I hope you remember you and your friends were my guests on the Starlane Fever. The Zephyrs you escaped with were especially modified for you. (45.7) Dillenger : You see, years ago I was a software engineer when I worked for the Earthforce Military Intelligence. When you downloaded your mission log back on the Alexander, you unwittingly installed a backdoor access for me. It infected the Alexander with a virus and later your thunderbolt via the comm protocols. (45.8) Dillenger : It had some nice features. For instance, whenever you activated your commsystems, the computer secretly sent me a small extraction from your flight recorder, including the position of all EA forces you, your wingmen, or the Alexander had contact with. (45.9) Dillenger : This made my business safer for quite a while.I am surprised your technicians didn't find it yet, but a civil war can keep you busy, hmm ? (45.10) HALE : I am impressed. You could have deactivated my controls earlier. Why did you leave the senator for me ? Let me guess... he didn't pay you enough for his extraction ? (45.11) Dillenger : Do you know I have a sister ? Well. I had one. Roberta. And I had a nephew. He was nine years old, his name was Ian. (45.12) Dillenger : Robbie and Ian were on one of the Asimov-liners the Pollux destroyed at Proxima. They were the only ones I trusted, I cared about, the last living members of my family. -pause- (45.13) Dillinger : Everything I had left, wiped out in a second, by a stupid little girl in the captain's chair of the Pollux! Captain Elisabeth Morgenstern. Does that name ring a bell ? The Senator was her father! That's why the senator wants you dead, by the way. In his view, you caused the trouble that led to his daughers death. I think now you understand. (45.14) HALE : Yes. You are on a bloody crusade for revenge. And it's only me who's left. (45.15) Dillinger : I found the data from your flight recorder in the Alexander's archive. I know you were there at Proxima, and you would have saved the civilians if there had been a chance. I would have dealt with Captain Morgenstern myself, but after the liberation of Proxima 3 that was no longer an issue. (45.16) Dillenger : Afterwards, just the Senator was left. I knew this bastard would try to flee the scene. It was pure irony he asked ME to help him escape from Earthdome. Thats the problem with being responsible for thousands of murders. The names of the victims escape you at some moments. (45.17) Dillenger : I thought about taking him aboard and skinning him alive, but I changed my mind. Roberta wouldn't have loved that, and Ian wouldn't have either. So I left him to you. He blew up his shuttle, didn't he ? Well, at least the bastard DIED with some dignity. (45.18) HALE : What do you really want, Dillenger ? (45.19) -- short pause -- Dillenger : I am fed up with it. I am sick of it all. I do not have an obligation to continue my freelancer career, and I don't want to see any more corpses. You are pretty helpless now, aren't you? Well, if I wanted to stay in pirate business, you would be dead by now. But after what happened to my family, I rethought our relationship. (45.20) Dillenger : In exchange for your life you just stay off my heels. You and your friends. Do we have a deal? (45.21) HALE : You are not killing me ? (45.22) Dillenger : I think that's what I just told you. Alright. It's time for me to go now. I am sure they will promote you to Commander for your outstanding efforts and decorate your chest with medals. Worthless pieces of tin. All that remains is my dead family and your dead friends. (45.23) Dillenger : Goodbye, Commander. Your controls will reactivate in a matter of seconds. My regards to your friends and to Major Ryan. (45.24) -- Dillenger lands on the STARLANE FEVER -- He jumps out. -- end cutscene. COMPUTER : Trojan Dillenger-5b deleted. All systems online. (45.25) HALE : Oh boy ! (45.26) -- flight controls reestablished -- Mission ends when jumping at Earth beacon. Debriefing : ( none - next is red alert ) ---------------------------------------