Mission 15: -- bureau of Senator Morgenstern Patterson : Senator, the situation on Earth is coming back to normal, we have everything under our control now. Proxima and Orion are under siege. There is only one major drawback, I think you have heard. (c15.1) Morgenstern : Yes of course. The troops had to withdraw from Babylon 5, the minbari have intervened. (c15.2) Patterson : What about the Alexander ? We lost track, but sooner or later we will find her! (c15.3) Morgenstern : Eventually, but we have more pressing matters at the moment. Except the Alexander all other known ships in support of the Resistance have been destroyed. Listen up. The 5th carrier group has been redeployed to League space. We are expanding our sphere of influence there. A few hours ago, a small centauri task force ran into the Alexander, the ship was meeting with the narn resistance. (c15.4) Patterson : That's great news, senator ! Now we know where they are seeking hideout ! (c15.5) Morgenstern : Yes, and our informer managed to contact the centauri. I think we might have a good chance to bring that ship down soon. I have something in mind, so go get Dorff. I need to talk to him. (c15.6) Patterson : Yes, sir. Back in 2. (c15.7)