(1) Sheridan's quarters Sheridan : *doorbell* Just a second... Come. Sorry , I was in ... (b34.1) Ivanova : *outraged, all the time of this briefing* Bastards! Those cold hearted rat bastards ! (b34.2) Sheridan : Susan..... (b34.3) Ivanova : When I heard about it I though it was just a rumor, we get so many of them. Oh god, John, I just wanna grab them and just *slaps fist into hand* This is it, this is IT ! (b34.4) Sheridan : What ? What is it ? ... What ? (b34.5) Ivanova : Here, this was recorded by a transport bringing relief supplies to Proxima 3. As soon as this destroyer came to the gate the other ships identified themselves as commercial liners, they.. they were carrying the sick and the wounded from where President Clark has been hitting them. Women, children, this is sick, the infirm , 2000 civilians per ship , crambled like sardines ! (b34.6) Sheridan : *horrified* My god.... (b34.7) Ivanova : 10000 civilians whose only crime was trying to get out of the damned killing zone ! I am putting this on V.O.R. as soon as I calm down ! (b34.8) Sheridan : *slowly, angry* This madness has gone on long enough. I don't care if we are ready yet. I don't care if we are outnumbered or outgunned. I don't care what ISN says about us! This stops and it stops now! Now if Earth wants to declare war on us, then it is time that we took the war to Clark. You tell the others, starting right now we fight back and we fight back hard! (b34.9) Ivanova : I thought you were looking for some other way than firing on our own ships. They were following orders. (b34.10) Sheridan : Any crew that executes an order like that is guilty of war crimes and they deserve whatever they get! Now we're riding in Susan. Anybody who wants to defect and join us, fine. If they get in our way, we will knock'em down. If they kill one of our ships, we'll kill three of theirs and we'll keep going. We never slow down and we won't stop. Now we are going after the colonies, then Mars, *pause, then quietly* then Earth. *another short pause* And God help anybody who gets in our way. (b34.11) (2) Somewhere on the STarlane Fever -- The cutscene consists of Dillenger's face looking on a monitor, and the monitor screen -- with a computer voice -- You see the recording of the Civil Liners being destroyed at Proxima, shown in a loop. -- Inbetween you see Dillengers face, but its hard to say what he's thinking... Computer : You just disconnected from Babylon 5 archive "Obsidian". -- Screen goes black. YOu see Dillengers face for some moments, then he turns and goes away. -- Camera fades out. -- This cutscene is to inform the player that Dillenger also knows about this incident, but -- it is in no way clear how and why it concerns him. -- In mission 35 he will tell Cmdr.Hale that his sister and his nephew were on one of these -- liners.