EARTH ALLIANCE CIVIL WAR INTRO shown between missions 3 and 4 : (1) -- Earthdome bureau Senator Morgenstern. -- doorbell Morgenstern : Come in ! (c4.1) -- Door opens, steps. Patterson : Good day, senator. (c4.2) Morgenstern : Ben, have a seat. Everything went fine at Io ? I think so! Clarke will be president in no time, then we will have everything under our control. Excellent! (c4.3) Patterson : Uhm..., senator, we might have a problem. (c4.4) -- Moment of silence. Morgenstern : Hmm. Proceed. (c4.5) Patterson : One of the starfury pilots, Jimmy Brightman, has tried to contact Earthforce 1 when he was in hyperspace. Of course he failed, we jammed all frequencies, but this made him suspicious. (c4.5) Morgenstern : Oh, you know there can be countless reasons for blacked out communication. This man has nothing but a guess. (c4.6) Patterson : Well, he noticed that even the gold channels were jammed, and he has this on his flight recorder. I was worried, however, and decided to eliminate them. I sent them to hyperspace where the backup team from Mr.Dorff was waiting. Afterwards all proof was erased from the databanks. (c4.7) Morgenstern : What ?? What makes you think you can take such steps without consulting me ? Now we have to come up with an explanation for these men missing in action! Did the backup team comment on this? Did they have any casualties? (c4.8) Patterson : Uhm..... The team never reported back. (c4.9) -- another moment of silence Morgenstern : WHAT ? No... I can't believe 4 starfuries creamed an entire squad! So, they all got lost in hyperspace while fighting and couldn't find back after everything was over ? (c4.10) Patterson : So it seems, the pilots from Earthforce escort didn't show up again either. However, When our blackomegas didn't report back I took a look into the EarthForce files of alpha squad. I have them here for you. (c4.11) -- Patterson hands over the papers. Morgenstern reads them. moments of silence. Morgenstern : Jimmy Brightman, 1st Lieutenant. He is an ace pilot. (c4.12) Patterson : Yes sir. And take a look at the second side, sir. (c4.13) -- sounds of papers being read.. after a while Morgenstern : Lieutenant Commander Dan Hale. Was recently assigned to..... *breaks off* (c4.14) Morgenstern : You sent top aces into the fight against the blackomegas ? I hope for you that they never show up again, otherwise I'll eat you for lunch! (c4.15) Patterson : Sir, even though those pilots were aces, I don't think they survived the attack of our backup team, having surprise against them ! (c4.16) Morgenstern : Get the hell out of my office ! (c4.17) Patterson : Yes sir. (c4.18) -- Patterson stands up and gets out. Morgenstern looks at the papers again, thinking -- about something. -- Camera focuses on papers on desk, you see them both : Each one with a foto and text. -- Then he takes a lighter and sets the papers on fire, burning them on -- his desk. Looking at the fire seems to comfort him again. -- So, after the cutscene you should have an impression what GEEZER and HALE look like. -- Especially HALE, who is the PLAYER ! Morgenstern : Hale and Brightman. You two frightened me, for a moment. Goodbye, gentlemen. (c4.19) -- papers burn completely, do something to change scene to (2) (2) -- INTRO CREDITS : EACW Music, flyby scenes with credits and stuff -- -- Warp in logo, start EACW music theme, -- show lots of small videos from cutscenes, rendered scenes, scenes from the show, -- combined with EACW campaign team credits. (3) ( Personal quarters. Hale is sitting on his bed, feet on the ground. ) -- Camera moves, until you see directly his face. Looking without expression in face. -- It's obvious he wanted to be alone. Incoming call, audio only. Computer : Incoming transmission from James Brightman. -- Hale comes to his senses, rubs his hand over his face... Hale : Put it through. -- Geezer is on the line. Geezer : Hey, man. I am having a drink with some of the pilots here, how about joining ? You know as well as I do there's no point in thinking it over and over. Come on, buddy ! Hale : Maybe later, Jimmy. It's just... I don't want to forget Lori and Pierre. I don't want to drink as if nothing happened. Geezer : I know, but falling into depressions doesn't revive them either, and I know you that you know. There are some people who want me to introduce them to you. Hale : Maybe later, Jimmy. Geezer : Okay, you know where to find us. -- Hale lies down on his bed, camera zooming in on his face, fade to black....