EA Civil War Extro script : --------------------------- -- short flyby scene of Dillenger's battlewagon, the STARLANE FEVER. -- Then : A monitor on the walls in some dark corridor shows the last sentences of an ISN -- special report : Reporter : where Senator Morgenstern committed suicide by blowing up his ship when EarthForce authorities tried to arrest him. Afterwards Lt.Commander Dan Hale returned to the Earth Alliance destroyer Alexander. Although some would have preferred if the senator had been taken prisoner, the public opinion is that a major war criminal has been brought to justice. I am Armin Shiffer, ISN news. (c47.1) -- screen gets deactivated, camera zooms out. -- You see the corridor, Morgenstern and Dillenger standing there, together with 2 of -- Dillenger's men. They start to slowly walk the corridor, towards camera that always is -- closely ahead of them. Morgenstern : That has to be sufficient.. (c47.2) Dillenger : Well. Now you are officially dead. You have successfully escaped Earthdome, managed to get away with your money, and ISN shows the video footage of your death, and one of EarthForce most trusted topaces is an eye-witness. You should be happy. I am happy. I think even Commander Hale is happy now. (c47.3) Morgenstern : I am, everything is fine, except.... I wanted to watch him die. I can't believe Perryman and his blackomegas couldn't bring him down ! When he jumped out I knew it would be difficult to get another opportunity to kill him in the near future. (c47.4) -- after a very short pause Morgenstern : Fly me to Centauri space, I have to make a call, then I will leave you there. (c47.5) Dillenger : What about my payment ? (c47.6) Morgenstern : I'll pay you when I am safe and sound, on my centauri friend's ship. (c47.7) Dillenger : Why not now ? (c47.8) Morgenstern : Why not then ? (c47.9) Dillenger : And I cannot convince you to pay me earlier ? (c47.10) -- they stop walking, Morgenstern facing him. Morgenstern : No. It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't want to tempt you. You shouldn't be tempted in any way now. I am dead, but you... I think Mr.Hale and his friends will try to hunt you as well, even though you helped them to bring me to justice. I am sure this makes you nervous and it is not exactly what you had in mind, but... hey! That's life. You'll get your reward when the time is right, then the money will comfort you. And I am sure a clever guy like you can take care of himself in any situation. (c47.11) Dillenger : Yes, perhaps they'll hunt me till the last. Perhaps not. I talked to Commander Hale in hyperspace, just 10 minutes after he jumped. I just had to wait till you were in your quarters, that gave our conversation the privacy I desired. (c47.12) -- Now the senator is breathless for a moment, slightly shocked. Morgenstern : What ? You had a chance to kill him and you didn't ? WHY THE HELL DIDN'T you tell me ? And what did you have to discuss ? (c47.13) Dillenger : Well, since I am the one who led him to you, it was a very good opportunity to try to convince him to stay of my heels. I tried to be the scum that can also be humane and reasonable. It's not as good as being officially dead, but I thought it was worth a try. (c47.14) Morgenstern : We'll talk about that later, Mister ! What did you tell him ? (c47.15) Dillenger : Just a lie. I told him that at some point I gave up my plans to skin you alive. (c47.16) -- Dillenger nods to his men, they instandtly grab Morgenstern, push him against the wall -- and hold him tight. Morgenstern : WHat the hell.... Are you crazy ?? It doesn't buy you anything to harm me !!! (c47.17) -- Dillenger gets closer to him... Dillenger : I know that Clark approved, but... killing the civilians at Proxima 6 as an example to others, that was originally YOUR idea, wasn't it ? (c47.18) -- Morgenstern doesn't say a word, now he is frightened.... he just stares at Dillenger Dillenger : Forget about the damned money. There is something about this escapees convoy, something that concerns me personally. I think I have to tell you. (c47.19) -- Dillenger suddenly has a knife in his hand, almost breathing in Morgensterns face, waves -- the knife around in front of Morgenstern's eyes. The senator is getting white... -- Dillenger's eyes show his hatred, he now almost whispers in a dangerous tone.... Dillenger : Let me tell you about my sister and my nephew! And I will tell you about fear, pain and death, and how they feel like ! (c47.20) -- Dillenger holds the knife against Morgenstern's throat, senator almost panicking... -- Dillenger sees Morgenstern realizes his situation! Dillenger : You are gonna have plenty of time to listen, since skinning you will take a while. I am sure this makes you nervous and it is not exactly what you had in mind, but... hey! That's life. (c47.21) -- Dillenger suddenly moves moves fast, using his knife on Morgenstern who starts screaming -- in a horrifying way. -- the screen instantly fades to the flyby scene of Dillengers battlewagon, flying away -- from the camera, while the senator's Morgenstern : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! (c47.22) -- scream echos in space... -- The battlewagon flies slowly away from the camera who looks after it. Endcredits and music -- mix into the scene...