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General Info :

The "Earth Alliance Civil War" campaign is based on the events of seasons 1,2,3 and 4 of the science fiction series "Babylon 5 created by J.M.Straczinsky. It tells the story of the Civil War from the point of view of Lt.Cmdr "Dan Hale". The campaign will give the opportunity to replay fights and events seen in the show ( historical or canon missions ), but mostly spins his own plot that fits in the canon outlines. The campaign starts with the assassination of former Earth Alliance president Santiago, and finishes shortly after the end of evil Presdent Clarke's dictatorship. This covers a time period of approximately 3 years. There is a total of 46 missions. 


Contacts :

   Michael "Skullar" Rauch    ( [email protected] )

   Ian Paul "I.P." Andrews ( [email protected] )

   Slasher ( contact via FORUM )



More about the campaign  :


"What are we going to see ?"

   The campaign is about Lt.Cmdr Dan Hale, from the presidential escort. When EarthForce 1 is destroyed at

   transfer point IO, he and his wing are sent to hyperspace to get eliminated as well, since they found something

   in the debris that hints at an assassination. Although the backup team supposed to kill them fails, alpha wing

   gets lost in hyperspace. It is pure luck they are picked up by the EAS ALEXANDER, hidden there from  the

   officials they are at General Hague's side when the civil war breaks out.


"How close is the campaign to the events seen on the show?"

   Without giving away the campaigns own plot that fits into the events, you will be at Io when the Civil War

   breaks out, you will be with the Alexander's fighters when they make a stand at Babylon 5, together with the

   Churchill, you will get to know what the ALEXANDER had been up to after she left Babylon 5, you will also be

   drawn into the chaos when the shadow war ends, and you will join in the campaign to retake Earth, while the

   campaign's own plot comes to an end.


"Can you tell me about the campaign's features ?"

   Full Voiceacting, cutscenes, filmed cutscenes, rendered scenes, highly sophisticated campaign plot


"When is it done ?"

   We aim for X-Mas 2007, but experience tells us, but that is just a guess. It is done when it is done, depending

   on how many work is done, and how many want to join up and help. See the JOIN US entry above.


   Oh, and we don't think there will be a demo. Would be extra work and delay campaign even further.