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The Plot



General Info :

The campaign tells the story of the Civil War from the point of view of a so far unknown pilot named "Dan Hale". The campaign will give the opportunity to replay fights and events seen in the show ( historical or canon missions ), but mostly spins his own plot that fits in the canon outlines. The campaign starts with the assassination of former Earth Alliance president Santiago, and finishes shortly after the end of evil Presdent Clarke's dictatorship. This covers a time period of approximately 3 years. There is a total of 46 missions.


These missions split into 7 logical campaign parts.


The plot  :


Part I - The Enemy Within          Missions  1 - 8

You are Lt.Commander Dan Hale. At the beginning of the campaign, you are a pilot of president Santiago's personal guard. The president is on his way to transfer point IO, where he is supposed to hold his new year speech.

At transfer point IO, the president's ship explodes. You and your wing are sent to hyperspace, because your starfuries have picked up sensor data that hints at this event not being an accident. In hyperspace, a wing of blackomegas are trying to wipe out you and your wing, and 2 of your wingmen die.

Together with your friend Lt. Jimmy "Geezer" Brightman, you try to reach normal space again, but it seems you are lost in hyperspace. However, the EAS Alexander picks you up and General Hague learns of your suspicions. The ALEXANDER is on a mission to hunt down a Raider carrier, however, while trying to pin down its position you get in contact with other vessels that have something to do with the president's assassination. Your presence on the ALEXANDER is kept a secret, and you get to know the other pilots of the destroyer. Lt.Cmdr Derek "Shadow" Jones, Lt. John "Balrok" Davis, Lt. Frank "Spawn" Boone, and Lt. Rick "Goblin" Perryman, who is an undercover agent from blackomega.


Part II - Outbreak          Missions  9 - 13

The Civil War breaks out, and EarthGov Forces are trying to hunt the EAS Alexander down after she made it escape at transfer point Io. You evade Earthgov forces, rescue democratic Earth Alliance senators from Clarks grasp and outrun his fleet. You fly to the conference at Orion7 where you are attacked by the CLARKSTOWN. General Hague gets killed in the firefight. Seeking a place to catch a breath and to make crucial repairs you finally reach Babylon 5 where the first major showdown with Clarks forces occurs. Mission 13 basically is the campaign version of the Babylon 5 episode "severed dreams".


Part III - Aspects Of Allegiance          Missions  14  -  20   

With Earthforce Resistance consisting only of the the Alexander and maybe few other ships that have not made contact with yet, Major Ryan, the Alexander's new captain heads for Narn territory to meet with the Narns. They are also building up their resistance against the Centauri. Trying to help each other out you disrupt EarthGov's efforts to build an outpost in Narn space. You fight the Earthgov 5.Carrier Group underthe command of General Ackerman, who has orders to establish the base and to track down the Alexander. Ackerman and his ships are defeated, but the Alexander nearly got destroyed in a trap set up by GOBLIN, the traitor. Geezer, your friend and the last comrade from your original wing is killed by him. The traitor makes it escape.


Part IV - The Odyssee          Missions  21  -  26

Though the 5.Carrier group is defeated with help from the Narns, you decide to leave the Alexander. Not any longer hunt by EarthGov forces, but still outnumbered and outgunned, the Alexander retreats into League space for vital repairs and resupply. Together with 3 friends from your squadron you leave the Alexander and  head to rendezvous with a Midwinter cruiser that has joined Earthforce Resistance and is supposed to bring you to B5. At that time the SHADOW WAR is coming to an end, and with escapees convoys, shadow ships, vorlon vessels and pirates around, the journey back to the Babylon station proves to be far more complicated and difficult than you thought it would be.The Midwinter you were supposed to rendezvous gets destroyed in a Shadow surprise attack. You join one of the escapees convoys. However, this convoy is threatened by a brilliant RAIDER pirate called Eugene Dillenger. He tries to strip the convoy of his resources. You have to defend the convoy against him and even against vorlon fighters. Dillenger even makes you to surrender and to give him your fighters, and you are held ransom on his ship, the STARLANE FEVER, for a short time. You and your friends manage to escape, and to jump out in stolen Zephyrs, together with the convoy. Dillenger follows closely, but finally, a freindly Centauri Cruiser provides cover, forces Dillenger to break off and brings you and your friends to Babylon5. You reach the station about the same time Sheridans victorious forces return from Coreanna 6


Part V - Turning Point           Missions  27  -  34

The shadow war is over, but Sheridan still hesitates to launch major operations against Earthgov. You participate in the mission to intercept the blackomegas who try to kill the blockade fighters in sector 49. Afterwards, you buy supplies from the Raiders, to bring the station through the first days of the blockade.  You rescue arrested Earthforce Resistance personnel from a prison transport. While trying to escort them out of EA territory, in the vicinity of Proxima system you witness the attack of the HERACLES on the civil liners where thousands of people get killed. Ivanova shows the proof to Sheridan who gets outraged, and you participate in the Liberation of Proxima 3 ( no surrender, no retreat )


Part VI - Technological Advantage           Missions  35  -  41

Now that the Resistance is on the offensive you are transferred back to the Alexander. She ship has returned from League territory and is waiting at Proxima 3. The Alexander is now preparing for some operations behind enemy lines. Preparing the Resistance assault on Orion VII you disable a jumpgate and seek hideout in a distant system far off normal space lines where you discover a secret jumpgate with a masked hyperspace beacon. This jumpgate leads back to the sol system to the distant planet URANUS, where EarthGov scientists are working on the WARLOCK PROJECT in secrecy. You disrupt this secret weapon operation and seize the hidden shipyards with the unfinished WARLOCK prototype. However, a number of Omega-X, byproducts of the Warlock project, saw completion and flew away, and you later hear they were destroyed by Ivanova's Whitestar fleet. You make a stand at Uranus and defend against Earthgov forces till the Resistance fleet catches up with you.


Part VII - Crime Does Not Pay          Missions  42  -  46

Now that you have rejoined the fleet you hear the news : Sheridan got arrested but Michael Garibaldi, Lyta Alexander and Doctor Franlin are on a mission to bring him back. You fly cover for the covert operation to bring  Sheridan away from his arrest at Mars. You participate in the final battle to free Earth, but you have some open bills on your own. After the war itself has ended you still have to track down the traitor Goblin. Dillenger still is somewhere out there and the the evil Senator Morgenstern, one of  Clark's worst accomplices, tries to flee Earth. They both rely on a certain "pirate contact". You get your chance to kill Goblin and to arrest the Senator, all because Dillenger offeres them to you on a plate. He explains his motives for helping you and escapes. Being a freelancer he is a true "winner" of the Civil War, the open end regarding him allows for a nice spin-off campaign. If we ever feel in the mood.